The dagіpɡ eagle uses clever tactics to catch sharks in the sea!

Eagles are known for their significant fishing skills and are associated with capturing prey on land, such as small mammals and fish.

However, it may come as a surprise to many that eagles have been offered sharks in the ocean. In this article, we will explore this fascinating behavior and shed light on how eagles are able to take down these formidable predators.

The main species of eagle known to hunt sharks is the African fish eagle, which is found near freshwater lakes and rivers in South-Saharan Africa. Eagles normally hunt catfish and other small fish, but they have been offered attacking fish that get too close to the water surface.

Did you know? The African fish eagle can lift a shark out of the water with its wings!

However, it is worth noting that while eagles are capable of keeping sharks, it is a rare occurrence and typically only occurs under specific conditions. Eagles are skilled opportunists and will take advantage of any prey that comes their way, but they typically stick to smaller prey that they can handle more easily.

Eagles are fantastic, even in the ocean!

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