The fisherman caught a massive stingray that weights more than 2000 kg (video)

the birth of animal babies on land is no mystery to scientists but how does birth look like underwater how for example are whales and dolphins born one of the peculiarities of giving birth to baby octopus and which males from the marine animal world play the role of mothers you’re about to find out in this episode i’ll tell and show you how marine animal babies are born there will be a lot of interesting things to see let’s go  seahorse the seahorse is probably the most unusual parent in the underwater

male is really involved with the rearing of offspring biologists were able to establish that it provides eggs with calcium fats oxygen and other nutrients and cleans the water from products of vital functions the seahorse’s role as a father does not end with the nurturing of the offspring after the birth of fry the male carries them in the pocket for some time bending its body upward in an ark it opens the pouch and the fry come out of it but in case of danger they hide there again yellow had jawfish it’s unlikely that

many of you have heard about this fish which lives on coral reefs in the caribbean sea yellowhead jawfish live at depths of 3 to 40 meters small fish with a length of 10 to 12 centimeters is easy to recognize by the bright yellow head and silvery body yellowhead jawfish prefer moving through the shallows and small groups of up to 70 individuals in each as in the case of the seahorses the male individuals of the species attract particular attention of scientists they’re great babysitters and nurse all their babies themselves and do it in a

very unusual way with their mouths after the female lays eggs the male fertilizes it and puts it in its huge mouth the nurturing process isn’t easy for the entire nurturing period the male has to give up food and in order to feed the eggs with oxygen it periodically spits out the eggs and sucks them back while they’re not scattered far away however unlike the sea horse with the appearance of fry the paternal instinct of the yellowhead jawfish is disabled it loses interest in the offspring and no longer cares about them

frilled shark surprisingly scientists still know little about this ancient shark species these species was first described between 1879 and 1881 but since then its study has progressed very slowly the main reason for the difficulties is considered to be the great depth at which this ancient shark lives it lives in the atlantic and pacific oceans at a depth of about 1 575 meters from the surface by the way the frilled shark looks more like a sea snake or eel than the shark’s closest relatives because of the presence of primitive

features the frilled shark is called a living fossil although its size is relatively small the maximum recorded length was about 2 meters females of the species are larger than males which isn’t surprising they require increased stamina to bare offspring because pregnancy of this species lasts up to three and a half years unlike other fish which give birth to a huge number of fry most of which do not survive to adulthood these sharks are focused on quality not quantity this species has the longest gestation

period of any vertebrate with the female laying its eggs inside its own body the babies develop inside the eggs feeding on the yolk and hatch only when fully mature and ready to survive on their own a newborn prehistoric shark baby is about 50 centimeters long unfortunately scientists haven’t yet been able to get detailed footage of the birth of frilled sharks but they don’t lose hope of filming a full documentary series in the near future i’m sure they’ll succeed because they’ve recently discovered new details

of the birth and development of whales with the help of cameras stay tuned to find out how it was and to see the births of other sea animal babies octopus did you know that baby octopuses hatch from eggs unfortunately this is the most positive fact of octopus reproduction females of this order of sea creatures can bear offspring only once in their life so this process is extremely important for them octopuses inhabit all tropical and subtropical seas and oceans from shallow waters to depths of 100 to 150 meters they prefer rocky coastal

areas looking for caves and crevices in the rocks the nest for their future babies is a hole in the ground encircled with a rampart of stones and shells after fertilization the female builds a nest in a burrow or cave in shallow water where it lays up to 80 000 eggs it’s always taking care of the eggs the female is constantly ventilating them by flushing them with a stream of water as well as constantly removing any foreign objects and dirt from the clutch of the eggs with its tentacles surprisingly during the active phase of

their lives octopuses boast excellent hunting skills and are very fond of snacking but during the entire period of egg development the female is left at the nest without food and often dies of exhaustion after giving birth to its babies deep sea octopuses spend several years near the clutch of eggs because the low water temperature makes egg development particularly long unfortunately not all babies manage to survive to maturity after hatching in general the survival rate depends on the habitat region and other specific

conditions in some cases only one percent of the offspring survives dolphin many people adore dolphins but have you ever wondered how many babies of these amazing creatures are born unlike many oceanfish dolphins are viviporous depending on these species a female dolphin pregnancy lasts from 10 to 18 months it’s noteworthy that the female part of a pot of dolphins surround the future mother on all sides supports it and protects it from attack by predators for giving birth it swims away from the group accompanied by an older female the

so-called godmother which will help it in the birth acting as a midwife and then a nurse it’ll look after the baby while the mother gets food later on the babies are fully nurtured and raised exclusively by the female part of the pod by the way the female is able to give birth and raise only one single baby dolphin for several years the newborn baby tries to swim from the first minutes of its life the mother calls it with a cry and nudges it with its nose raising the baby to the surface of the water to give it

an opportunity to take a breath of air thus opening its lungs it’s only a few weeks after birth that the baby gets used to the water and learns to swim it’ll take three to five months before the babies will get their own food however the pot has enough time to raise them considering the fact that one female cannot have two or more babies at once and new members of the group reach maturity not earlier than at the age of 5 years whales usually in case of mammals a male and a female form a stable couple

at least until their offspring becomes fully independent during this time the mother feeds the babies with its milk and the father protects the family and gets food however in case of whales things are different once the female is fertilized the male safely returns to the pod females bear offspring usually from 10 to 12 months but as a rule a baby is born 11 months after conception some involvement of other whales in the fate of the offspring can be seen when after almost a year of bearing offspring the female prepares to give birth

as in the case of dolphins at this point the other females in the pods surround it and do not leave assisting in protecting it from predators as a rule only one baby is born but it’s born with a fully developed layer of fat necessary for the thermal insulation of the animal the baby makes its first act of breathing at the moment of its surfacing this reflex is stimulated by the sensation of environmental change like other marine mammals the newborn whale cannot swim it waves its tail desperately but it doesn’t manage to

move an itch for the first hours of its life it’s helpless and doesn’t even stay afloat because its body mass exceeds the density of water and its lungs are not yet developed enough to take in the necessary amount of air whales feeding most recently researchers were able to film whales feeding their young this process is very difficult to observe because whales are very large animals that can move around the entire world ocean thanks to cameras scientists from the university of hawaii stanford university

and the university of california filmed how humpback whales feed their babies each year female humpback whales give birth to their babies in the warm shallow waters of the hawaiian archipelago and nurse their offspring from january to march before their long migration to alaska the research team set out to find out how often and for how long whale babies feed to get strong enough for their spring migration special cameras were attached to seven humpback whale babies using suction cups the team also used drones to observe the

whales from above as the scientists note they managed to get unique and rare footage which allows studying the process of feeding humpback whales experts hope that the data obtained will help to learn more about the life of these incredible animals that’s all guys have you ever seen animals give birth let me know in the comments thanks for watching and see you later

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