The six most stunning tree tunnels on earth

Tree tunnels are so enchanting that one would believe that nature is the best artist.

Even in this technology-driven era, there is nothing more fascinating than nature. Be it the luscious landscape, turquoise waters or mighty mountains, there is bountiful beauty and charm in nature’s treasure trove. But these tree tunnels are so enchanting that one would believe that nature is the best artist.


1. Sakura Tunnel, Japan


The Japanese term for ‘cherry blossom’, Sakura is gorgeous with its pink and white hues. Sakura viewing is also a tradition in Japan, a subject of interest in Japanese poetry and also a highlight of Japan tourism.


2. Cypress Tunnel, California


The Cypress Tunnel is located at Point Reyes in California and is one of the most beautiful nature’s creations in the US.


3. Cherry Blossom Tunnel, Germany


This magical tunnel of cherry blossoms is not just the prerogative of Japan. Cherry Blossom tunnels are also seen in the city of Bonn, Germany. This fascinating tunnel is seen when the cherry blossom trees come into full bloom for around 20 days in summer.


4. Tunnel of love, Ukraine


This alluring green tunnel is not just a feast for eyes, but is also a passage for a private train. The folklore has that if true lovers make a wish here, it will come true.


5. Jacarandas Walk, South Africa


The pretty sight of Jacarandas blooming every year in Johannesburg is a spectacle worth seeing. Visit South Africa in October to see this beautiful tree tunnel.


6. The Dark Hedges, Ireland


This captivating tree tunnel is one of the most photographed creations of nature in Ireland. This tunnel formed by beech trees do not let sunlight seep in, giving it a haunted feel.

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