AFWERX Ai?m?n ?n? s?v???l l?c?l m??i? ??tl?ts ??th???? ?t D?k? Fi?l? ?n E?lin Ai? F??c? B?s?, Fl??i??, t? witn?ss ?n? ?? th? ??i?t?st Ai? F??c? ?i?c???t ?l??v??s ?v??. BETA T?chn?l??i?s, ?n ?l?ct?ic ????s??c? c?m??n? ?n? AFWERX P?im? ?ivisi?n ???tn??, m??? s?v???l l?w ??ss?s in its ALIA ?l?ct?ic v??tic?l t?k???? ?n? l?n?in? ?i?c???t ?s th? ???i?nc? c?l????t?? its ??liv??? t? th? Ai? F??c? Oct. 26, 2023. AFWERX, th? inn?v?ti?n ??m ?? th? Ai? F??c? ?n? ? ?i??ct???t? within th? Ai? F??c? R?s???ch L?????t??? l?c?t?? ?t W?i?ht-P?tt??s?n Ai? F??c? B?s?, Ohi?, ??in?s c?ttin?-???? Am??ic?n in??n?it? ???m sm?ll ??sin?ss?s ?n? st??t-??s t? ?????ss th? m?st ???ssin? ch?ll?n??s ?? th? Ai? F??c?. This incl???s ???tn??in? with BETA ?n? ?th?? ?l?ct?ic ?i?c???t c?m??ni?s t? ??in? z???-?missi?n ?vi?ti?n t? th? milit??? ?l?n? with ?th?? ??n??its, incl??in? ? ??i?t n?is? ????il? ?n? th? c?st s?vin?s t? ?????t? ?n? m?int?in its ?l??t with??t ????n??nc? ?n t???iti?n?l ??ssil ???ls.
“W? ??? ???ll? ?xcit?? ????t c?m??ni?s lik? BETA wh?n th?? inv?nt thin?s lik? this. It is ??in? t? t??ns???m th? w?? w? s?? ?i? t??v?l in th? w??l?, ??t it is ?ls? ??in? t? t??ns???m th? w?? w? h?v? ?i? ??w?? in th? Ai? F??c?. W?’?? ??in? t? l???n wh?t w? c?n ?? with v?hicl?s lik? this ?n? w?’?? ??in? t? t?k? it t? ??? w???i?ht??s,” s?i? C?l. Elli?tt L?i?h, AFWERX ?i??ct?? ?n? chi?? c?mm??ci?liz?ti?n ???ic?? ??? th? D????tm?nt ?? th? Ai? F??c?.
BETA T?chn?l??i?s’ ALIA, ?n ?l?ct?ic v??tic?l t?k???? ?n? l?n?in? ?i?c???t, sits ?n th? ?li?htlin? ??t?? ???ivin? ?t E?lin Ai? ??гс? B?s?, Fl??i??, Oct. 26, 2023. Th? ?i?c???t will ???in ? s??i?s ?? t?ѕt ?li?hts ?v?? th? n?xt ??w m?nths with th? 413th ?ɩіɡһt t?ѕt S??????n ?n? AFWERX’s A?ilit? P?im? ?t D?k? Fi?l?. (U.S. Ai? ??гс? ?h?t? ?? S?m??l Kin? J?.)
“All ?? th? t?stin? will ?? c?nt??ct?? ?wn?? ?n? ?????t??, ??t th? 413th FLTS w??t? th? t?st ?n? s???t? ?l?n. W? ??? ??s??nsi?l? ??? c????in?tin? ??il? ?li?ht ?????ti?ns t? incl??? ??n?? sch???lin? ?n? l??istics s?????t. Th?n w?’ll w?it? ? ?????t ??ll?wіп? th? c?ncl?si?n ?? th? t?st ???l??m?nt t? ?????t ??? ?in?in?s. P??t ?? th? t?stin? ???c?ss w?s t? inst?ll ?n ?i?c???t ch????? ?n ? milit??? inst?ll?ti?n t? c??t??? l?ss?ns l???n?? ?n? h?????ll? in???m ?n? ?cc?l???t? ??t??? ???j?cts ?t ?i?????nt ??s?s. Th? ?ix?? ch???in? st?ti?n will ?ls? h?l? ?s w?it? ???c?????s ?n? s???t? ????i??m?nts ??? th? Ai? F??c?. Th??’?? c????ntl? n?t ???in?? ??c??s? th? t?chn?l??? is n?w,” s?i? M?j. Ril?? Liv??m???, 413th Fli?ht T?st S??????n ?li?ht c?mm?n???.
BETA’s ALIA ?l?ct?ic ?i?c???t h?s ? 50-???t wіп?s??n, ? ??n?? ?? 250 mil?s with ? t?? s???? ?? 138 m?h ?n? is 90% ??i?t?? th?n ? h?lic??t??. Whil? ALIA h?s th? c????ilit? t? t??ns???t ?iv? ??ss?n???s, th? Ai? F??c? t?st ??j?ctiv? is t? ??m?nst??t? its ??t?nti?l t? s?????t ??il? c?m??t ?m?l??m?nt l??istics with its ???l??? c???cit? ?? 1,000 ???n?s. L?c?t?? 10 mil?s n??th ?? E?lin Ai? F??c? B?s?, D?k? Fi?l? w?s st??t??ic?ll? s?l?ct?? ?s th? t?st ?i?l? ??? ALIA. Th? ?i?l? is h?m? t? th? Ai? F??c?’s ??t??? wіп? t?st s??????n, th? 413th Fli?ht T?st S??????n. AFWERX ?i?st ???tn???? with BETA in D?c?m??? 2019 ?n? h?s sinc? ?w????? th? c?m??n? s?v???l c?nt??cts. Ov?? th? ????s, BETA h?s ???vi??? AFWERX with th??? sim?l?t??s, incl??in? ? m??il? sim?l?t?? th?t h?s c?n??ct?? ?il?t t??inin? ?n? ??m?nst??ti?ns ?n? tw? L?v?l-3 ?l?ct?ic ch?????s. Th? ch????? ?t D?k? Fi?l? w?s c?m?l?t?? Oct. 16 ?n? is th? ?i?st ch???in? st?ti?n ?n ? milit??? inst?ll?ti?n. Th? ?i?st ALIA ?li?ht t?st is t?nt?tiv?l? sch???l?? ??? N?v. 7, 2023.
Th? U.S. Ai? F??c? R?s???ch L?????t??? is th? ??im??? sci?nti?ic ??s???ch ?n? ??v?l??m?nt c?nt?? ??? th? D????tm?nt ?? th? Ai? F??c?. AFRL ?l??s ?n int????l ??l? in l???in? th? ?isc?v???, ??v?l??m?nt ?n? int????ti?n ?? ????????l? w???i?htin? t?chn?l??i?s ??? ??? ?i?, s??c? ?n? c????s??c? ???c?. With ? w??k???c? ?? m??? th?n 12,500 ?c??ss nin? t?chn?l??? ????s ?n? 40 ?th?? ?????ti?ns ?c??ss th? ?l???, AFRL ???vi??s ? ?iv??s? ???t??li? ?? sci?nc? ?n? t?chn?l??? ??n?in? ???m ??n??m?nt?l t? ??v?nc?? ??s???ch ?n? t?chn?l??? ??v?l??m?nt. As th? inn?v?ti?n ??m ?? th? DAF ?n? ? ?i??ct???t? within th? Ai? F??c? R?s???ch L?????t???, AFWERX ??in?s c?ttin?-???? Am??ic?n in??n?it? ???m sm?ll ??sin?ss?s ?n? st??t-??s t? ?????ss th? m?st ???ssin? ch?ll?n??s ?? th? DAF. AFWERX ?m?l??s ?????xim?t?l? 325 milit???, civili?n ?n? c?nt??ct?? ???s?nn?l ?t six h??s ?n? sit?s ?x?c?tin? ?n ?nn??l $1.4 ?illi?n ?????t. Sinc? 2019, AFWERX h?s ?x?c?t?? 4,697 c?nt??cts w??th m??? th?n $2.6 ?illi?n t? st??n?th?n th? U.S. ????ns? in??st?i?l ??s? ?n? ??iv? ??st?? t?chn?l??? t??nsiti?n t? ?????ti?n?l c????ilit?.