This wild animal cried out for assistance as its skin was rotting and it was unable to open its eyes to hunt.

The life of wild animals is not always so easy. Unlike domestic animals, which enjoy the care of a family, they are in the wild. The problem is that, although this is not necessarily a bad thing, it exposes them even more to all kinds of diseases.

One of the most common of these wild creatures is mange. In recent days, a small fox was found in the city of Louisville, Kentucky, United States, with its fur almost completely eaten away by this annoying skin disease.

Members of the animal rights organization, Second Chances Wildlilfe Center, found the animal and soon realized the seriousness of its condition.

Outbreaks of mange all over his body even affected his eyesight. He was unable to open his eyes properly. In fact, he was very lucky to run into the group of activists, who immediately took him to a medical center to check the real condition of the little fox.

There, in professional, dedicated and loving hands, the ancestral canine began to receive treatment and care, which meant for her a second chance at life. A media followed the whole story and that is how we learned about her recovery process.

The mange had gained space, so it was not easy to cure it and return it to its natural habitat. He was very suspicious, so every day his caregiver did her best to make his convalescence as comfortable as possible.

Little by little, the animal regained its courage and strength and lost its initial fear of humans. Suddenly a radical change in her appearance began to take place and she slowly returned to being the little fox she once was.

“Her fur regained the life and color it always had, those are the effects of receiving love,” commented one user.

Once her recovery was evident, she was slowly released into an enclosed park so she could continue her healing process while not in the veterinary hospital.

“It’s beautiful to see how a group of people can change the life of a wild animal, giving it back its beautiful fur and also improving its chances in the forest,” read another comment to the post.

Actually, we agree with the opinions expressed by cybernauts, because the change this animal made was indescribable. His life improved significantly thanks to this noble institution that saved him and turned him into the beautiful little fox he is today.

Share this story of love and dedication for animals with your loved ones. Let’s hope that the mange doesn’t return and that he can continue living happily as he is now.

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