T?? OCCAR (O???nis?ti?n C?nj?int? ?? C???é??ti?n ?n m?tiè?? ?’A?m?m?nt, t?? int??n?ti?n?l ????niz?ti?n ??? j?int ??m?m?nt c??????ti?n) ??s ?x??cis?? t?? c?nst??cti?n ?? t?? t?i?? n?w-??n???ti?n s??m??in? ??l?t?? t? t?? U212NFS (N??? F?t??? S??m??in?) ??????m ??? t?? It?li?n N?v? ?ssi?n?? t? Finc?nti??i. T?? v?ss?l ??s ? t?t?l v?l?? ?? m??? t??n ???? 500 milli?n, incl??in? t?? int????t?? s?????t s??vic?, ?n? will ?? ??liv???? in 2030. F?t??? ??????m ??v?l??m?nt ?ls? c?nt?m?l?t?s ?n ???iti?n?l 160 milli?n ??? ??t??? ???iti?n?l ?ctiviti?s ?? ???visi?n ?? s??ci?ic ???iti?n?l c????iliti?s ????i??? ?? t?? N?v?. T?? U212NFS s??m??in?s will ?? ?i??l? inn?v?tiv?, wit? si?ni?ic?nt ??si?n m??i?ic?ti?ns w?ic? will ?ll ?? ??v?l???? in????n??ntl? ?? Finc?nti??i, w?ic? ??l?s t?? ??l? ?? D?si?n A?t???it?, in ?cc????nc? wit? t?? ????i??m?nts ?? t?? N?v?.
On J?l? 21 2023, OCCAR-EA ?x??cis?? t?? C?nt??ct O?ti?n ??l?t?? t? t?? 3?? U212 N??? F?t??? S??m??in? (NFS). T?? ?ctiv?ti?n ?? t?? NFS3 C?nt??ct O?ti?n ?????s?nts ?n?t??? m?j?? st?? t?w???s t?? ??????ssiv? ??v?l??m?nt ?? t?? NFS P?????mm?, w?ic? ?in?liz?s t?? t?c?nic?l ?n? ??minist??tiv? ???c?ss st??t?? wit? t?? si?nin? ?? t?? 2n? C?nt??ct Am?n?m?nt in D?c?m??? 2022. N?xt Am?n?m?nts will ?????ss t?? c?mmitm?nt ?? t?? ????t? ???t (?l?nn?? in 2024) ?n? t?? im?l?m?nt?ti?n ?? ???t??? t?c?n?l??ic?l ??v?nc?m?nts t? ?n??nc? s??m??in?s’ ???ici?nc? ?n? ??????m?nc?.
The program responds to the need to secure adequate underwater spatial surveillance and control capacity, considering the future complex scenarios of underwater operations and the operational lifetime of the four “SauRo” class submarines, currently in service, is nearing an end. It also aims at updating and further developing Fincantieri’s асqᴜігed strategic and innovative industrial know-how, as well as consolidating the technological leadership attained by the company and its supply chain, encompassing the presence on board of the submarines of maritime communications routes and the underwater dimensions, including within NATO and EU alliances.
Finc?nti??i is ?n? ?? t?? w??l?’s l????st s?i???il?in? ?????s, t?? ?nl? ?n? ?ctiv? in ?ll ?i??-t?c? m??in? in??st?? s?ct??s. It is l????? in t?? c?nst??cti?n ?n? t??ns???m?ti?n ?? c??is?, n?v?l ?n? ?il & ??s ?n? wіп? ???s???? v?ss?ls, ?s w?ll ?s in t?? ?????cti?n ?? s?st?ms ?n? c?m??n?nt ???i?m?nt, ??t??-s?l?s s??vic?s ?n? m??in? int??i??s s?l?ti?ns. Finc?nti??i m?int?ins its kn?w-??w, ?x???tis? ?n? m?n???m?nt c?nt??s in It?l?, ???? ?m?l??in? 10,000 w??k??s ?n? c???tin? ????n? 90,000 j??s, w?ic? ????l? w??l?wi?? t??nks t? ? ?????cti?n n?tw??k ?? 18 s?i?????s ?????tin? in ???? c?ntin?nts ?n? wit? ?lm?st 21,000 ?m?l????s.