Top 8: Jellyfish: Jellyfish kill more than 100 people worldwide every year. They are scarier than great white sharks. Don’t let their cute, shiny appearance make you a victim. All jellyfish are carnivorous.
This species has up to 60 tentacles up to 3m long. Each tentacle is covered with billions of venom sacs and small needles to inject into the unfortunate person when in contact. If accidentally stabbed by this species, within 4 minutes without emergency treatment, it will lead to death due to respiratory failure.
Top 7 – African buffalo. On average, this species causes more than 200 deaths to humans each year. They have a hot temper, an average height of about 1.5 meters and can weigh a ton. African buffalo are mainly distributed in the grasslands south of the Sahara desert.
Apart from lions and Nile crocodiles, the African buffalo has no natural enemies. If a buffalo herd is not carefully provoked, there is almost no chance of survival for humans. Africans have nicknamed it “The Widow Maker”.
Top 6 – Hippos. Hippos kill an average of 500 people each year. They are very agile when provoked or angered. Even swamp crocodiles cannot survive if they fight with hippos.
They have four fangs that can be tens of centimeters long and a terrifying jaw that can open 180 degrees. This gives them a bite that can weigh up to 1,000 kg. Except for humans, hippos have almost no natural enemies.
Top 5 – Crocodiles. According to statistics, crocodiles kill more than 1,000 people every year. Crocodiles are cold-blooded animals that can grow up to 7 meters long. They have many different species, distributed in rivers, lakes and even in the sea.
Crocodiles move silently in the water, approaching their victims silently and surprising them with their super-fast bites. When bitten, the crocodile will drag the victim into the water, spinning them around until they are exhausted, have broken bones and die.
Top 4 – Snails. Every year, this species causes 20 thousand deaths. Snails live in humid places, their mouths are as small as toothpicks. But on the snail’s tongue there are many teeth. With about 25,600 teeth, snails are the most toothed species in the world.
The real danger of snails is a parasite inside the snail’s body: schistosomiasis. Schistosomiasis is mainly spread through water sources, once infected, the human body will have a series of liver and kidney lesions leading to direct death.
Top 3 – Dogs. Although dogs are considered to be man’s best friend, every year more than 25 thousand people die from dog bites.
In addition to sudden attacks, most deaths are due to rabies infection. Once bitten by a dog carrying the rabies virus, the virus attacks the nervous system, the victim will suffer acute encephalitis and die.
Top 2 – Snakes. This legless killer causes more than 50 thousand deaths every year. There are about 700 species of venomous snakes in the world, of which more than 200 species have very strong venom. This means that you will die within seconds or minutes with just one bite.
Top 1 – Mosquitoes. Every year, mosquitoes are responsible for an average of 700,000 deaths. There are thousands of different species of them, and they have a system of constantly sucking and biting from one person to another, thereby spreading viruses.
Among these are mosquitoes that transmit malaria, the world’s leading cause of death. The disease is particularly widespread in Africa and South America. In Africa, every 30 seconds a child dies from malaria.