“Touching Reunion Amidst Flames: Heroic Rescue of Lost Dog Inspires Millions with Heartfelt Embrace and Kiss”

A family struck by devastating forest fires in Oregon got a silver lining after responding firefighters rescued their beloved dog.

According to AP, a wildfire that started in central Oregon over the weekend has caused widespread damage to homes and buildings. The Oregon State Fire Marshal reported that 43 residences and 40 outbuildings were consumed by the fire. Internet and 911 services were disrupted and hundreds evacuated their homes.

The Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District was one of the departments responding to the fire after sending an engine to Bly, Oregon — but amidst the wreckage found an unexpected friend.

According to a Facebook post, Fire/Medic David Ward found a dog wandering around on her own, and seemed to be lost. The department said the dog became “fast friends” with the firefighter, and the crew took care of her while continuing their work.

Luckily, the dog had an ID collar and the crew were able to make contact with her owners. The dog’s name was “Ladybird,” and she soon reunited with her family.

People thanked the firefighters for saving the dog and getting her back to her family safe.

“That’s one grateful, lucky and happy pup. Cheers to all dog owners that have instant ID on their pooches!” one commenter wrote.

“Everyday you’re heroes. Taking care of Ladybird and reuniting her with her people makes you SUPERHEROES!” another added.

Thank you to these firefighters for helping out Ladybird! It’s the kind of inspiring story people need during times of crisis. Our thoughts are with all the people of Oregon affected by these wildfires.

Please share this news if you love dogs!

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