U.S. A?m? s?l?i??s ?i?in? in ? s??ci?ll?-m??i?i?? M-2 B???l?? in??nt?? ?i?htin? v?hicl? will c?nt??l ? ?l?t??n ?? ????n? ????ts ???in? ?n ??c?min? ?x??cis? in C?l?????.
Th? ?l?nn?? 2020 t?st “m?v?s ????n? th? ??sic ‘????tic win?m?n’ ???s?its th?t h?v? s? ??? l?? h?w th? m?ch?niz?? c?mm?nit? ?? th? A?m? is ??ttin? ?t ?sin? s?mi-??t?n?m??s ?n? ??t?n?m??s v?hicl?s,” A?m? Tim?s ?????t?? T??? S??th ?x?l?in??.
This ?i?st ???????? in 2019 ?n? is ??in? ????st?? ??? t? ?????? int???st.
A?m? ???ici?ls int?n? ??? th? m?nth-l?n? ?x??cis? ?t F??t C??s?n t? ??th?? ??t? ??? th? s??vic?’s G???n? V?hicl? S?st?ms C?nt??. Th? s?l?i??s in th? ?x??cis? will ?????t? th? ?nm?nn?? ????n? v?hicl?s ???m insi?? ???????? B???l??s th?t th? A?m? ?????s t? ?s “Missi?n En??l?? T?chn?l??i?s-D?m?nst??t??s.”
Th? ???????s incl??? ? ??m?t?l?-?????t?? t????t ??? th? v?hicl?’s 25-millim?t?? ??n, ?xt?? s?ns??s ??? 360-?????? ?w???n?ss ?n? n?w c??w st?ti?ns with t??chsc???ns, ?cc???in? t? ?n A?m? ??l??s?.
Th? C?l????? w?? ??m? will inv?lv? tw? ?? th? s??ci?l B???l?? c?nt??llin? ? t?t?l ?? ???? UGVs, S??th ?????t??.
Th? U.S., B?itish ?n? R?ssi?n milit??i?s, ?m?n? ?th??s, ??ickl? ??? m?vin? t? int????t? ??m?? ????ts int? th?i? ????n? ???c?s.
Th? U.S. A?m? h?s ????n sh???in? ????n? ??? ? ????tic ??m???? v?hicl? th?t c?n ???l?c? s?m? ?? th? ???nch’s ?l? M-2 B???l?? m?nn?? ?i?htin? v?hicl?s. Th? 2020 w?? ??m? c??l? in???m th?s? ?????ts.
This “O?ti?n?ll?-M?nn?? Fi?htin? V?hicl?” c??l? ?????t? with ?? with??t ? h?m?n c??w, ?ll?win? c?mm?n???s t? ???l?? th? v?hicl?s ?n missi?ns th?t ??? t?? ?isk? ??? h?m?n ??in?s.
S?m? initi?l t?stin? t??k ?l?c? ?s ???l? ?s 2017. An ??m??, ????tic M-113 t??ck?? ??m???? v?hicl? ???vi??? c?v??in? ?i?? ??? s?l?i??s ???in? ? s?mm?? 2017 w?? ??m? in Michi??n.
F?? th? ?x??cis?, ?n?in???s ????? ? ??m?t?l?-c?nt??ll?? m?chin? ??n t? ? ??m?t?l?-c?nt??ll?? M-113. Th? ?????t??s ?? th? M-113 ?n? its m?chin? ??n ??ll?w?? ??hin? th? ???n? in ?n M-577 c?mm?n? v?hicl?, iss?in? c?mm?n?s vi? ???i?.
Th? R?ssi?n ??m? is ??v?l??in? its ?wn ????tic v?hicl?s ?n? ??nnin? ?x???im?nts in ????? t? ??v?l?? t?ctics ??? ???l??in? th? ?nm?nn?? s?st?ms. Th? n?w t?ctics ??int t? R?ssi?’s ???win? ??t??min?ti?n t? ?i?l?, ?n th? ????n? ?n? in th? ?i?, m??nin???l n?m???s ?? ??m?? ????ts.
Th? K??mlin is ?sin? th? t??ck??, t?nk-siz? M??k?? ????n? ????t ??? th?s? t?ctic?l ?x???im?nts. A vi??? th? R?ssi?n ??v??nm?nt ??l??s?? in M??ch 2019 ???icts ? mix?? c??w ?? h?m?n ?n? ????t sc??ts ????in? in???m?ti?n t? ? m?in ???c? ?? l????, t?nk-lik? ???n?s.
“M??k?? is ??ilt t? ?? m???l??, with ???n in???m?ti?n ??chit?ct???,” ?????t?? K?ls?? Ath??t?n w??t?. “On? c?n?i????ti?n ??? th? t?st??? ??ms it with ? K?l?shnik?v-?????c?? m?chin? ??n ?n? ? ???t ?? ?nti-t?nk ???n??? l??nch??s. W? c?n s???l? ?x??ct t? s?? it t?st ? ??n?? ?? w????ns.”
R???ts in th? ?i?, ?n th? ?c??n s????c? ?n? ?n th? ????n? ??????? B?itish R???l M??in?s ?s th?? st??m?? ? ???ch ???in? ?n im???t?nt A??il 2019 w?? ??m?.
Al?h? C?m??n? ?? th? R???l M??in?s’ 40 C?mm?n?? ?n? th?i? ????t ?????i?ns st??m?? ? ???ch in C??nw?ll in s??thw?st En?l?n? ?s ???t ?? Ex??cis? C?mm?n?? W???i??. Th? R???l M??in?s’ 1 Ass??lt G???? s?????t?? th? n?v?l in??nt??.
“C?mm?n?? W???i?? w?s th? ?i?st tim? R???l M??in?s h?v? ?s?? th? ??t?n?m??s v?hicl?s ???in? t?ctic?l ?cti?n,” th? R???l N?v? ?????t??.
Th? ????n? ????t, in ???tic?l??, w?s ? n?w c????ilit? ??? th? R???l M??in?s. Th? ??n- ?n? ??ck?t-??m??, t?nk-lik? ?nm?nn?? ????n? v?hicl?s, v??i?nts ?? Qin?tiQ’s j???-siz?, t??ck?? Tit?n, c??l? ???st th? n?v?l ???nch’s ?i????w?? whil? h?l?in? t? k??? h?m?n ??in?s ??t ?? h??m’s w??.
Th? R???l M??in?s’ m?ck ???ch ?ss??lt c??l? h?l? t? in???m Qin?tiQ’s ??v?l??m?nt ?? m??? s??histic?t?? UGVs. “T??ms ??hin? th? ?nm?nn?? v?hicl?s w??? ?t T????ntl? B??ch t? w?tch h?w th? ???i?m?nt ??????m?? in ? liv?-?cti?n sit??ti?n,” th? n?v? ?????t??.
A??in? ????n? ????ts t? in??nt?? ?n? ??m?? ?nits “????c?s ?isk,” s?i? U.S. A?m? m?j?? C??? W?ll?c?, wh? ?v??s??s s?m? UGV ??v?l??m?nt ??? th? s??vic?. “It ???s s? ?? ?x??n?in? th? ???m?t?? ?? th? ??ttl??i?l? s? th?t ?????? th? th???t m?k?s c?nt?ct with th? ?i?st h?m?n ?l?m?nt, it h?s t? m?k? c?nt?ct with th? ????ts.”
“Th?t, in t??n, ?iv?s c?mm?n???s ???iti?n?l s??c? ?n? tim? t? m?k? ??cisi?ns,” W?ll?c? s?i?.
D?vi? Ax? s??v?s ?s D???ns? E?it?? ?? th? N?ti?n?l Int???st. H? is th? ??th?? ?? th? ????hic n?v?ls W?? Fix, W?? Is B??in? ?n? M?ch?t? S????. This ?i?st ???????? in 2019 ?n? is ??in? ????st?? ??? t? ?????? int???st.