30 Photos of My Adopted Daughter in Handcrafted Costumes I Made

My name is Katya. I live in Moscow with my husband and our adorable daughter Lisa who has Down syndrome. We adopted her a couple of years ago. She is very sweet and cute, and we love her very much.

As a creative soul, I love to design and sew costumes and flower crowns for my baby girl. Many costumes you see here were handmade by me. As a photographer, I love to create photo stories that show how adorable and loving kids with Down syndrome are, especially my Lisa.

A post submitted by Katya’s friend Polina.

More info: Instagram



Katya, Lisa’s mom, answered some of the questions I left for her. First, I wanted to know what type of photography style she liked most, given that she’s a talented photographer, and here’s what she said, “I love portraits of people and animals. Because they are full of life, they have emotions.”




Raising a child is no easy feat, and therefore I think it’s also hard to take photos of children at times since they’re always so active and immersed in their own world. I asked Katya whether it is hard to photograph Lisa.

“To follow her. She runs really fast! For her, a photoshoot is primarily a game and therefore we do not force her to do what she does not want. All photos are random shots that I am fast enough to take.”


Lisa is a beautiful and much loved little girl.



She looks so happy! This is adorable!

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Of course, since Katya uploads pictures of Lisa on social media, people tend to give various reactions to the photos she posts, here’s what she told me when I asked her about it: “Many people think that children with Down syndrome are ugly and are unable to show their emotions. For them, our page is a discovery. They learn that children with special needs are ordinary children who know how to play, be happy, be sad, to love.”




Reagan James 3 years ago

She is a beautiful little girl!

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Obviously, Katya’s adoption story is touching and so are Lisa’s wonderful pictures. I wanted to ask Katya what she would like for people to take away from this story.

“I’d like to point out one thing – all people are beautiful, regardless of their diseases and visual characteristics.”

I also asked Lisa’s mom what inspired her to start an Instagram page.

“Bad attitude of people on the street towards my daughter. I wanted to change it and show people that special children are as great as ordinary children.”




Final score:108pointsPOSTsharron lynn parsons 3 years ago

A perfect shot, love it !!!

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Maybe it’s a question with an obvious answer but I also asked Katya about her motivation as a photographer, and this is what she told me.

“My daughter is my main inspiration. I want to create a fairy tale around her at least in the photo. By changing the societal views about people with disabilities through pictures, we can change real life.”



Final score:106pointsPOSTDorothy Parker 3 years ago

Charming. I love how she looks in these beautiful garments.

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Final score:97pointsPOSTWyndmere 3 years ago

Watching leaves float down to the grass.

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Final score:95pointsPolina ChernomordikPOSTRhea.S888 10 months ago

Okay go easy on me but can someone explain why she’s blonde as a toddler and a red head grown?

15ReplyView More Replies…View more comments#13


Final score:94pointsPOSTJennifer 3 years ago

How sweet!

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Final score:93pointsPolina ChernomordikPOSTRomenriel 10 months ago

Burdock leaf! They make great umbrellas, I used to play with them as a kid, too.

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Final score:90pointsPolina ChernomordikPOSTover it already 10 months ago

She is a gorgeous child.

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Final score:89pointsPOSTAntonia 3 years ago

my naughty face … lol

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Final score:89pointsPOSTsharron lynn parsons 3 years ago

Watermelon baby !!!

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Final score:88pointsPOSTWyndmere 3 years ago

Shaking hands with the invisible field mouse Queen.

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Final score:88pointsPOSTJo Browne 3 years ago


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Final score:87pointsPOSTsharron lynn parsons 3 years ago

A lovely shot !!!

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Final score:83pointsPOSTWyndmere 3 years ago (edited)

She is the sweetest bud in the bunch.

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Final score:79pointsPOSTDorothy Parker 3 years ago

Your love for her come right through the camera lens

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Final score:78pointsPolina ChernomordikPOSTKaren Violette Cubbison 10 months ago

Obviously, the apple of your eye!

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Final score:77pointsPOSTWyndmere 3 years ago

Just another bush … sitting in a field … looking extremely cute.

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Final score:77pointsPolina ChernomordikPOSTKaren Violette Cubbison 10 months ago

A gorgeous lil gardener!



Final score:76pointsPOSTMauKini 3 years ago

perfect baby!

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Final score:76pointsPOSTDorothy Parker 3 years ago


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Final score:76pointsPolina ChernomordikPOSTKaren Violette Cubbison 10 months ago

So winsome!



Final score:74pointsPOSTJennifer 3 years ago

I love this beautiful girl and beautiful outfit

11ReplyView more comments#30

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