9 Stunningly Unusual Locations Across the Globe to Visit

Spotted Lake has long been revered by the native Okanagan as a sacred place because of the strange phenomena occurring in the lake. In the summer, the water of the lake evaporates and the small lakes are left intact, so each hole has a different color, creating a strange landscape.

Socotra Island, Yemen

Originally from the African continent but separated from it more than six million years ago, the strange destination looks like the setting of a sci-fi movie. Socotra’s incredible and unique biodiversity makes the plants here unique, hard to find anywhere else – such as the ancient and twisted dragon’s blood and the tubercle – plants that normally not many people have the opportunity to see.

Horsetail Falls, USA

Horsetail Falls in Yosemite Park, USA. When the sunset sun shines on the water of the waterfall, visitors will be surprised when a stream of lava-like water suddenly appears.

Pamukkale, Türkiye

Pamukkale means “Cotton Kingdom”, because this strange destination in southwestern Turkey is made up of white stone floors, with soft shapes like cotton. This waterfall is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Lake Hillier, Western Australia

This remarkable lake was discovered in 1802, on the largest island in the Recherche archipelago in Western Australia. The lake is a deep pink color year-round instead of its usual blue color, which some scientists say is the result of high salinity combined with the presence of a species of pink algae and bacteria known as halobacteria.

Bermuda Triangle, North Atlantic Ocean

This strange and rather creepy 500,000 square mile destination is located between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. Conspiracy theories still thrive around this exciting destination, based on stories of unusual magnetic levels and the near-evaporating disappearances of ships, planes and seafarers that have embarked deep or accidentally encounter this area.

Panjin Red Beach, China

30 km southwest of Panjin (Panjin) – a prefecture-level city in Liaoning province, China – this native red tide and algae wetland is a nature reserve and home for wildlife. migratory birds.

Glass Beach, California, USA

To be fair, this beach doesn’t have the advantage of natural scenery, but it becomes a strange destination because… the shore is covered with glass – the result of years of accumulated garbage.

Diamond Beach, Iceland

Diamond Beach is located on the south coast east of Iceland. This is also known as Breiðamerkursandur in Icelandic. This iconic attraction is inspired by the glittering icebergs that dot the shore like a field of diamonds.

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