Getting used to the sea? Amazing video captures a starfish “walking” on a beach before it is put back into the water

Footage of a starfish ‘walking’ along a beach has been baffling the web.

The creature was spotted by Zeb Hallock in Corolla, North Carolina, who filmed the bizarre spectacle before returning it to the sea.

In the video, the sea creature uses the hundreds of hair-like cilia on the underside of its body to inch along the sand.

The creature was spotted by Zeb Hallock in Corolla, North Carolina, who filmed the bizarre spectacle

‘We noticed there were starfish walking around on the sand near the water,’ Mr Hallock explained.

‘Some were in tide pools but some were just strolling on the sand, very very very slowly.

‘The ones that were on the sand we carefully relocated back to the ocean or a tide pool.

‘Other people coming out to the beach were fascinated by the large amount of starfish and helped relocate the walkers to the water as well.’

In the video, the sea creature uses the hundreds of hair-like cilia on the underside of its body to inch along the sand

The footage was shot in October 2012 but was only posted on social media earlier this month.

It has since gone viral, with over four million views on Facebook.

‘Did not know they have feet!’ commented Tisha Leclerc.

Michele Peck added: ‘THANK YOU! Those poor things would have never been able to survive if they hadn’t have helped!’

The footage was shot in October 2012 but was only posted on social media earlier this month. It has since gone viral, with over four million views on Facebook

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