A charming family of meerkats extends a warm greeting to a wildlife photographer

Throughout his career, Nick Kleer, a conservationist and wildlife photographer from South Africa, has had the opportunity to encounter numerous stunning species of wildlife.

Nonetheless, it seems that he has established an exceptional bond with a cluster of delightful and entertaining meerkats.

The amusing interaction has gained a lot of online attention in recent times.

Watch the Video here:

An amusing comment greeted Nick Kleer’s Twitter post sharing the interaction.

“When you’re a wildlife photographer, the idea is to blend in with your environment so that you don’t scare off the animals.”

If the objective was to blend in, there’s no doubt that Kreer succeeded in his task!

Kleer is captured on video humorously lying on the ground with his camera while a meerkat rests on his head.

The stealthy photographer is eventually surrounded by a large group of fluffy meerkats, who seem entirely at ease and engage with him as if he were part of the natural landscape.

The meerkats showd no signs of discomfort with the presence of a human in their natural habitat and even utilized the photographer as a vantage point to survey their surroundings.

Kleer has had numerous experiences with the native meerkats of South Africa.

EzoicThe wildlife photographer has shared numerous photos and videos of himself with the adorable meerkats, indicating that they have developed a cordial bond during their time together.

“As you can tell, I got quite close to these incredible little creatures,” Kleer shared in an Instagram post.

“An experience that I will not forget and an absolute privilege to get to know these little ones a bit better.”

It seems that Kleer’s love for these meerkats knows no bounds, in another instance, he referred to them as the “cutest creatures on the planet.” It’s highly probable that his endearment for these creatures has also won over the entire internet if they weren’t already won over.

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