A collection of amusing scenes featuring newlyweds caring for their kids are full of obstacles and are only partially comical

Through their humorous illustrations, artists Yehunda and Maya Devir decided to show what life really looks like when you become new parents.
And while the beginning of parenthood was sometimes a struggle for them, this couple said that Ariel brought an incredible amount of joy into their lives and also gave them a lot of inspiration for new works of art.

Yehuda and Maya Devir, the artists behind the popular drawing series “One of Those Days,” became parents for the first time to little Ariel in April. Yehuda called his daughter “the funniest and most precious creature he had ever seen.”

And while the couple couldn’t fall more in love with their daughter, they admitted that the birth of a child changed the dynamics of their relationship.“It’s okay when she cries in your arms. It’s okay that he only wants his mom. It’s fine if you can’t sleep with her. It’s okay if you don’t have that relationship that everyone is talking about. It’s okay if you still don’t understand the definition of your job.





It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay if things don’t work out for you. It’s okay to ask for a hug. It’s okay to share everything you’re going through with your partner, even if it doesn’t seem manly. It’s okay that your life has changed. It’s okay that those plans were canceled. It’s okay if you don’t have time for anything. It’s okay to feel low. It’s okay to be upset. It’s okay to feel lonely. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s OK.”

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