A Dog’s Emotional Release: Surgically Removed Long-Standing Tumor

In November, Nina arrived at the Wright Manner Rescue as a result of cruelty confiscation in North Memphis, similar to that of The Penguin.

She had a massive tumor weighing 13 pounds, which was causing discomfort in her stomach. Additionally, there were two smaller growths present on her left mammary chain.

The dog was in a sorry state, with her underweight body, high fever, and severe skin infection on her backside and tail. We had to prepare for the surgery quickly since waiting longer could lead to the tumor rupturing and causing more problems. It was a stressful time for us all, but we were determined to help this poor pup.

Before the surgery, it was important to make sure that the cat received appropriate medical care. This required seeking advice from experts and performing a range of evaluations and pre-surgery activities. Moreover, the feline had to put on some weight to ready itself for the anesthesia.

The reason for putting in so much effort was to improve her chances of survival during a surgery that could result in a considerable loss of blood and had a higher risk of mortality than usual. The great news is that the hard work paid off!

On the eighth of December, Nina’s major surgery was a success and she came out of it with flying colors.

Following her surgical procedure, she was assigned to the compassionate care of an outstanding medical foster family from Wright-Manner. Ever since then, she has been flourishing and doing exceptionally well.

After undergoing surgery, the biopsy results revealed that the smaller tumors were benign. Unfortunately, the bigger one was identified as a delicate tissue sarcoma, a form of cancer.

Nina’s journey towards complete healing seems to be heading in the right direction, and she will be soon ready to be adopted by a loving family that can provide her with a forever home. It is heartwarming to see that Nina is being taken care of by a caring and affectionate family.

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