A family’s rescued dog becomes the store’s cutest employee.

Can a rescued dog be a store employee? Any being extracted from the darkness of the streets only requires a bark, a meow, a look to fall in love and make us fall in love with her paws.

A rescued dog has earned her employee badge and there’s none prettier than her.


An American family has taken in, protected and cared for adorable Heaven , a sheltered canine at the Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter. They decided to give her life a second chance and never parted with her again.

Of the members of her current permanent family, Jackie Rakers, her adoptive mother remembers how nervous and suspicious Heaven was at first . There wasn’t anything the dog wasn’t terrified of. It became more than obvious that the poor thing had not had a good time.

Rakers knew he had to do something to bring out the world and make his beloved Heaven shine. Show him that the days of loneliness and helplessness of him are over. To do this, he had the idea of taking her to the Home Depot department store , a pet-friendly place.

The woman felt that this was the best place for Heaven to come out of her shell and begin to socialize with other animals and humans . The only thing that Jackie wanted in the depths of her heart was to restore the trust of her dog De ella.

Well, said and done. The woman took the animal from her and together they left for the establishment. Upon arrival, she realized that she had hit the nail on the head with her idea.

From one moment to the next, as if by magic, his mere presence melted the hearts of everyone in the trade. In fact, sweet Heaven was made an “honorary employee” and she got her own apron from her with the store’s logo on it.

“The Home Depot visits started as a way to help her with her fears. She would get nervous with new places and sounds, so we would go for five minutes and she would get affection. Then we started going to the store more,” Jackie said.

Every time her loving mother pulls out the orange apron, well earned for being so sweet and loving, Heaven lights up with excitement and begins to wag her tail . She knows very well where they are going. It is her favorite place to frolic and charm everyone.

“I keep the apron in the car so we are always ready. As soon as she realizes we’re pulling into the parking lot, she flinches until I put it on her and ready her to go do her job. She just walks in like she owns the place,” Jackie added.

In fact, Heaven is so valued and loved by all of her co-workers that she even has her own photograph adorning the warehouse . And although she is not considered an official worker, she is the one who pays by showering others with a waterfall of happiness.

Heaven is not only a keen shopper along with her mother, but also loves making new friends. The dog usually goes through all the aisles of the store and, suddenly, it gives to know someone. Immediately, no matter who it is, she reaches out to offer her service.

And people are encouraged to shop by the attention of the prettiest and sweetest employee at Home Depot, Kentucky. It’s like the dog knows who needs love that day.

Happily, thanks to the patient care of her human mother, Heaven went from living in permanent fear to getting ahead and being very happy . She more than demonstrated the true loving and gentle personality of her.

From now on, your job will be to find and comfort everyone who needs your cuddling. Being able to give that person a smile and a hug that makes their day happier.

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