“A Wisconsin Couple Has Three Sets of Twins, All Born on the Same Day! There’s Never a Dull Moment.”

A Wisconsin couple has three sets of twins, all born on the same day! There’s never a dull moment

Carrie Kosinski had dreamed of being the mother of a large family ever since she was a little girl. So when doctors told her and her husband Craig Kosinski that they couldn’t have children naturally, she was devastated. Then fate intervened.

In July 2013, an acquaintance who was several months pregnant contacted her on Facebook to ask if she and her husband wanted to adopt her baby. They agreed – but only found out later that she was in fact expecting twins. Adalynn and Kenna were born on February 28, 2014.


The following year, the same woman contacted them to say she could no longer care for her other set of twins – JJ and CeCe – so the couple welcomed them into their family. (They were also born on February 28, but in 2013).

Last year, Carrie gave birth to twins via in vitro fertilization on February 28.

“There’s never a dull moment at my house,” she laughs.


It’s such an improbable thing, statistically almost impossible to achieve, that they can’t always believe it,” she says.

And none of it was intentional.

“All three sets of twins were born by emergency C-section,” Carrie, 28, of Yorkville, Wisconsin, tells PEOPLE. “I get asked this question a lot. Did you plan it? It was a C-section. It was a C-section, it had to be planned.’ No. Mine was at 24 weeks. I didn’t plan for them to be born at 24 weeks.”


But adoption was always the plan, even before they were told they couldn’t have children naturally,” she says.

“We did things backwards,” explains Carrie, who was herself adopted. “We wanted to have our own children first, then adopt, but apparently God had other plans for us.

The adoption of the first two sets of twins is not yet final, for strictly financial reasons.

“We had begun the process of adopting the 3-year-old twins when the birth mother contacted us about taking the 4-year-old twins,” she explains. “So we put the adoption of the 3-year-olds on hold in case we adopted the 4-year-olds as well. It’s cheaper to do it all together than to do separate adoptions.


The adoption costs are enormous. They live on the salary of her husband, Craig, 43, who is an accountant. The family has fundraising sites on GoFundMe and AdoptTogether – and recently learned of a $4,000 grant from bestselling novelist Karen Kingsbury’s One Chance Foundation,

“We’re currently about $2,500 away from our adoption goal,” she says. “Our goal is $15,000. In total, it’s $18,000, but we wanted to underwrite some of the costs ourselves.

Finalizing adoptions is extremely important to them,” she says.

“It would mean a lot because there are so many unknowns,” she says. “What if they end up finding the biological fathers? They don’t know who they are. There are all these eventualities. We couldn’t imagine losing them. They’re our children. We think they were made for us… Making them ours would be a huge blessing for us.”


And one day, she says, they won’t hesitate to expand the family.

“Maybe in a few years,” she says.

The younger twins were premature babies – each weighing 1.5 kg – and have developmental problems, she says.

“So we want to focus on them and finalize the adoption,” she says. “My husband would like to have another one afterwards, as at the moment we have one boy and five girls, so maybe in a few years’ time.

What if she has twins again?

“Twins would be fun,” she says, before jokingly adding, “as long as they’re born on February 28.”

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