An adorable kangaroo named Abigail is very grateful to the wildlife protection officers who have rescued her every day for the past 15 years.

An adorable kangaroo named Abigail has been gratefully hugging the wildlife workers who rescued her every day for the last 15 years.

The 15-year-old kangaroo was rescued when she was just a joey and has since been living at the Kangaroo Sanctuary in Alice Springs, in the Northern Territory.

Dubbed ‘Queen Abi’ by her carers, the animal has become a celebrity within the park due to her incredibly affectionate nature.

The kangaroo at the sanctuary loves cuddling with workers and guests!

An adorable kangaroo named Abigail has been hugging the wildlife workers who rescued her every day for the last 15 years

The 15-year-old kangaroo was rescued when she was just a joey and has since been living at the Kangaroo Sanctuary in Alice Springs, in the Northern Territory

Staff say they look forward to Abi’s hugs everyday and regularly share updates of the cuddly kangaroo to their Instagram page.

Staff say they look forward to Abi’s hugs everyday and regularly share updates of the cuddly kangaroo to their Instagram page

The kangaroo has lived at the wildlife reserve in Alice Springs for 15 years and has become a celebrity for staff and visitors

The team first found Abi as an orphaned five-month-old and have watched her grow to become one of the oldest kangaroos at the sanctuary.

She’s since given birth to a few joeys of her own.

While kangaroos can be known to become аɡɡгeѕѕіⱱe with humans and each other, ‘Queen Abi’ is what the park describes as one of the most affectionate they’ve ever seen.

‘Happiness is in a Abi hug,’ the wildlife team said.

The animal dubbed ‘Queen Abi’ is one of the most affectionate kangaroos in Australia, wildlife workers have said

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