Catching a carp with a head that resembles a bird is pretty unusual.

The natural world around us is full of miracles that sometimes humans cannot fully explain.

For example, recently, the image of a fish is said to be a carp, but the head is no different from a bird that makes people constantly talk.

The man tried to hold the fish.

A social media account has just posted a video of a guy trying to lift a fish with a special shape to take a picture. Due to the fish’s natural response when not in the water, it constantly struggles, looking extremely alive. Therefore, many people believe that this is not a staged product.

Immediately, many people opened many debates and speculations about the origin of this strangely shaped fish. Some netizens said that this is a hybrid product between a carp and a dolphin, others think that its head does not look like a regular bird but resembles a penguin.

Close-up of the strange fish.

Currently, although there is still no verified post about the location of the video recording, as well as information about the man in the post, this image is still being spread by people on many forums. Almost everyone expressed their excitement and surprise when having the opportunity to admire such a special fish.

This image also makes many people think of the appearance of a fish with a similar shape, once discovered in Guizhou province, China.

The Daily Mail reported that in 2018 in Guiyang city, Guizhou province, local people accidentally caught a fish with a head exactly like a pigeon (there are also comments that it looks like a bird’s head). Penguin). Watching the clip, the fish can be seen lying on the ground and struggling to breathe.

The fish was caught in China in 2018. (Photo: Newsflare)

According to the Daily Mail, Mr. Yang Xing – a seafood expert in this country – concluded that this is a deformed carp. He also confirmed that this deformation is a common phenomenon in freshwater fish. “This could be a damaged embryo at the time it was developing, because the overpopulation of the fish has caused a lack of oxygen, thereby making the head of the fish deformed as you can see,” this expert shared. share more. It is known that after only a short time, the fish was released back to the fishing lake by local people.

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