Cora’s tale is a testament to her unwavering spirit, as she persevered in living a healthy life despite suffering severe damage to her legs and pelvis.

Cora, a six-year-old poodle, had a difficult start in life. Abandoned and left to fend for herself, Cora suffered from severe injuries that left her with damaged front legs, back, and pelvis. But her life changed when she was taken in by Zach Skow, a Tehachapi, California resident and founder of Marley’s Mutts Dog Rescue. Thanks to the care and dedication of her new owner, Cora has made an incredible recovery and is now living a happy and fulfilling life.

Cora’s Journey Begins

In 2018, Zach Skow made the decision to give Cora a second chance at life. Despite her severe injuries, Zach believed that Cora had the potential to recover with the right care and attention. It is believed that Cora was struck by a car, which caused her critical injuries.

The veterinary team who examined Cora were doubtful that she could survive the injuries. Her front legs were completely damaged, and her pelvis and back were also affected. The vet suggested that Cora be put down, as her injuries were deemed too severe to overcome.

Despite the vet’s recommendations, Zach remained optimistic and determined to give Cora a chance to recover. He had previously fostered other two-legged dogs, so he knew that Cora’s injuries were not a barrier to leading a happy life.

Overcoming Adversity

After undergoing surgery to amputate her front legs, Cora experienced significant discomfort and pain. However, with Zach’s help and encouragement, she began to adjust to life with two legs. Her mobility was greatly improved with the use of a stroller, and after just three months, she was able to walk and even hop like a kangaroo.

Cora’s positive attitude and determination have been an inspiration to those around her. Despite facing significant adversity, she has never given up or lost her zest for life. She continues to show resilience and strength, and her story has touched the hearts of many.

A New Lease on Life

Thanks to the love and dedication of her new owner, Cora has made an incredible recovery. Her mobility has greatly improved, and she is now able to enjoy all the activities that other dogs love, such as running, playing, and exploring. Zach has provided Cora with a loving home and has ensured that she receives the best possible care.

Cora’s story is a testament to the resilience and strength of animals, and it highlights the importance of providing love and care to animals in need. Despite the challenges that she faced, Cora has shown that with the right support, anything is possible.

A Message of Hope

Cora’s story serves as a reminder that animals, like humans, can overcome adversity with the right support and care. Many animals are abandoned or mistreated each year, and they rely on the kindness and compassion of others to help them. By providing love and care to animals in need, we can make a difference in their lives and give them a second chance at happiness.

In conclusion, Cora’s journey is a heartwarming story of overcoming adversity and finding a new lease on life. She has shown that anything is possible with the right support and love, and her story is an inspiration to all those who have faced challenges in their lives. By sharing Cora’s story, we can raise awareness of the importance of providing love and care to animals in need, and inspire others to make a difference in the lives o

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