Customers lament the passing of the puppy who used to visit a sweet potato store alone.

These days have been difficult for many people in the world, especially for those who have had to face the loss of a loved one. Such has happened to a couple whose loving furry companion has crossed the rainbow.

This is a hardworking shiba inu  puppy that since 2019 became famous on social networks for the help he gave his owners, attending a candy business.

The shiba inu became famous with the opening of the Inu no Yakiimoyasan sweet potato shop , a stall located in Sapporo (northern Japan), and which the little animal attended by its own means.

It’s amazing because Ken-kun was the only one in charge of the business. His daddies left him alone in front of the sales for long periods of time and until the moment of his death that was not a problem for him.

It may sound absurd, since a dog doesn’t know math, but it turns out that Ken-Kun had the honesty of the Koreans in his favor.

Honor is the insignia of this name and that was reflected in the profitability of the Inu no Yakiimoyasan.

The kiosk became a point of interest in Japan due to the peculiarity of the office. Many customers went to the place just to interact with the little dog, which was undoubtedly a great hook for the business.

Unfortunately, this furry dog who faithfully served his owners for years has passed away. The news was made public on June 6, through the pet’s Instagram account.

“Advertisement. Today, June 6 at 12:50, Ken-kun left. We received a lot of support from all of you, and I’m sure Ken-kun was very happy. I feel calm because he made it to his favorite store before he left. Thank you all so much!” the post read.

The cause of the furry’s death has not yet been confirmed but Ken-kun had been ill since May 31 , when he had to be admitted to a veterinary clinic.

One day before his death, his owners reported that he had returned home but with an oxygen canister.

To date, no clear explanation has been given for what happened to the puppy, who apparently died naturally. Images of the emotional farewell they gave to the beloved animal were also shared on social networks. This noble little animal will rest forever in a colorful bed of roses.

The puppy that worked for years had his retirement straight to heaven. Share in your networks the news of this dog that was loyal to its owners until the end.

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