Even though the bees are full of people, they are not аfгаіd because they do not ѕtіпɡ him! (VIDEO)

Ndayisaba, a beekeeper from the Central African Republic of Rwanda, has been keeping bees since he was a child. Ndayisaba said that in the 30 years that he had kept bees and let the bees cling to his body, he had never been stung by a bee.

The man who calls himself the “king of bees” is famous on ѕoсіаɩ networks with photos of thousands of bees perched on his body. Ndayisaba explains: “To control the bees, I first have to find the queen. Then I put on the queen to attract other bees.

The experienced beekeeper said he let the queen bee stay still on his body by tуіпɡ a ріeсe of rope around his waist. The other bees will naturally follow and fiercely protect the queen from her, the entire swarm flies towards Ndayisaba and forms a shield around the queen to keep her safe.

Ndayisaba is famous in Rwanda for beekeeping and his income comes mainly from the sale of honey. Ndayisaba said that he has a pretty good life thanks to the bees and without these bees his life would not be complete.

As the “king of the bees”, Ndayisaba can “control” the bees in everything. The bees collect the nectar gathered around the queen bee, the hive, take care of the hive and keep their nest clean, then produce honey.






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