“Eyes that see unlimited peace and undirected understanding of our beloved children as they come into life”

You can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see, but you shouldn’t shield your heart from things you don’t want to feel. Life’s most profound experiences often stem from the emotions we allow ourselves to embrace, even when they are difficult.

Closing your eyes is an act of avoidance, a way to momentarily escape the unpleasant realities of the world. It’s easy to turn away from scenes that disturb or upset us. However, emotions are different. They dwell within us, shaping our inner world and influencing our perceptions and actions.

Shielding your heart might seem like a protective measure, but in doing so, you risk missing out on the depth of human experience. The heart needs to feel both joy and sorrow, love and loss, to fully understand and appreciate the spectrum of life. These feelings are what make us human, teaching us empathy, resilience, and compassion.

By allowing yourself to feel, you open the door to personal growth and deeper connections with others. Embracing pain and vulnerability can lead to healing and strength. It is through facing our emotions that we find clarity and purpose.

The heart’s journey is not always easy, but it is essential. The challenges we face and the emotions we endure shape our character and define our path. By welcoming these feelings, rather than hiding from them, we honor our true selves and our capacity for profound love and understanding.

In essence, while it is natural to seek comfort and avoid discomfort, true growth comes from facing what we fear and embracing the full range of our emotions. Your heart, unshielded and open, is a powerful guide, leading you to a richer, more meaningful life.

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