Puppy in a festive costume accompanies its owners to sell sweets on national holidays

For all animal lovers, a puppy will always attract attention , either intentionally or because its owners have the purpose that all eyes are directed towards that little being that came into their life to change it.

And there is nothing more emotional than contemplating a furry friend and even more so if he is doing something to help those who love him so much.

Little dog accompanies its owner to sell sweets on the street during the national holidays and it goes viral.

This is the story of a beautiful puppy named Sultan , who has conquered thousands of Internet users after some cute images went viral in which he is seen dressed in a traditional way in honor of his country’s national holidays, while his adoptive father was selling some sweets on the street.

This scene was seen during the national holidays of Chile . Every year, on September 18, this South American country grandly celebrates the National Holidays to commemorate the beginning of the process of Independence from the Spanish crown.

Most of the larger celebrations take place around the 18th and 19th, but the festivities can last up to a week. Chileans celebrate these dates with asados or fondas , enjoying traditional foods and drinks such as empanadas and chicha.

In these fondas, which are parties that are usually held in large locations or parks, many people take the opportunity to sell typical sweets or souvenirs for locals and visitors. So it is very common to see improvised stalls .

In these parties not only people participate, the pets of the families that go out to enjoy or work, are also present .

After two years in a row without being able to celebrate these national dates due to Covid-19, Chile decided to celebrate them like never before, so its streets were colorful with people celebrating everywhere, and of course, with furry friends present .

It was in the midst of this celebration that the presence of a puppy that accompanied his favorite person on one of those festive nights went viral .

While his owner was selling some sweets, our canine friend accompanied him at all times, wearing a beautiful yellow hat with colored stripes and a wool poncho , which covers the shoulders to below the waist, a typical traditional costume of this country that the puppy looked perfectly and of course, caught the attention of everyone around him.

The Labrador retriever was dressed in a traditional Chilean costume.

The video was shared through the TikTok platform by the user Luis López, in a short time it went viral.

In the short video clip you can see the furry sitting next to his owner , who was selling some sweets to collect money.

Sultan has his own Instagram account , follow him and enjoy all his adventures.

Although the puppy did not understand the reason for such a fuss, he always remained faithful to his owner , he spent the night wearing his spectacular suit.

Although there are not many details about this couple, everything indicates that they are backpackers who took advantage of this festive occasion to collect some money.

After the video was published, there were many comments, hundreds in favor, a few against. The puppy’s owner came to his defense. In this regard he said:

“I am not wandering, I am a dreamer, and my partner is with me in my life, the years that I have to live, he will live them in the best way and with all the adventure that any pet cannot have, successes and greetings to all”.

This adorable fluffball is an adventurous little dog who is undoubtedly the best companion for his globe-trotting father.

How nice it is to see these couples where love and complicity are a constant in their days.

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