Huxley is a Golden Retriever with a Love for Making Friends. Come Meet Him

Photographer Ursula Daphne Aitchison and her dog Hugo, who are already quite famous, have added a new star to their family – the charming golden retriever, Huxley. This adorable pup has a special talent for making friends with just about anyone he meets. In a recent heartwarming viral video, Huxley can be seen introducing himself to different people during a train ride, winning the hearts of everyone around him.

Ursula mentioned that Huxley has a remarkable ability to sense those who could use some extra attention and love, and he promptly positions himself next to them. His affection for people is clear, and as a result, he easily wins the hearts of all those fortunate enough to meet him. So, the big question is: “Would you want to be friends with Huxley too?”

Huxley is the most outgoing and sociable golden retriever who never misses an opportunity to make friends with new people.

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Huxley shares a home with his brother Hugo and their mom, Ursula, who are already known for taking amusing pictures.

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison


Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Hugo and Huxley go along with Ursula everywhere she works because she travels a lot.

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Huxley befriends people he meets while traveling, whether it’s in hotels, on the streets, or on trains.

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison


Huxley’s friendly nature put him in the spotlight in the family this time.

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchiso

Image source: Ursula Daphne Aitchison

Every time new people meet Huxley, they enjoy giving him plenty of attention and cuddles.

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