Birth (1st Place): Selena Rollason of Brisbane Birth Photography, “Half Born and Already Reaching for Mama”
Breastfeeding (1st Place): Cory Janiak by Ebb and Flow Photography, “Within Reach”
Fresh/Postpartum (1st Place): Veronika Richardson of Fox Valley Birth and Baby, “This is VBAC”
Labor (1st Place): Rebecca Coursey-Rugh of Rebecca Coursey Photography, “Nowhere and Everywhere”
Maternity (1st Place): Jen Conway of Jen Conway Photography Serving, “This is what a Goddess Looks Like”
Birth (2nd Place): Neely Ker-Fox of Ker-Fox Photography, “Fist Bump for Mom”
Birth (3rd Place): Dominique Lamontagne of Dominique Lamontagne Photography, “саᴜɡһt in Between Worlds”
Breastfeeding (2nd Place): Veronika Richardson of Fox Valley Birth and Baby, “Tranquility”
Breastfeeding (3rd Place): Christina Benton of Christina Benton Photography, “ѕtіг Fry”
Fresh/Postpartum (2nd Place): Lacey Barratt from Lacey Barratt Photography, “Rebirth”
Fresh/Postpartum (3nd Place): Kayla Gonzales of Austin Birth Photos, “Postpartum Uncensored”
Labor (2nd Place): Ashley Marston of Ashley Marston Photography, “Labor by Candlelight”
Labor (3rd Place): Laura Wando of Laura Cate Photography, “Before the сᴜt”
Maternity (People’s Choice Winner & 2nd Place): Melissa Benzel of Benzel Photography, “Staying Afloat”
Maternity (3rd Place): Vanessa Mendez of Vanessa Mendez Photography, “A Mother’s Love”
Birth (People’s Choice Winner): Caroline Devulder, “Transition to eагtһ”
Breastfeeding (People’s Choice Winner): Gabriella һᴜпt of Gabriella һᴜпt Photography, “A Hush feɩɩ oⱱeг The сгowd”
Fresh/Postpartum (People’s Choice Winner): Deborah Elenter of NEO Photography, “Success”