NASA Former Worker Claims To Have Seen A Lot Of People Walking On Mars Back in 1979

In 1979, a lady who claims to be a former NASA employee claimed to have witnessed the most massive cover-up in space history when she spotted two human beings in space suits walking quietly over the Martian surface towards the Viking lander (the grandparent of today’s Mars Curiosity Rover).

This year, a caller named ‘Jackie’ contacted Coast to Coast AM in America and requested the host to solve a 27-year-old riddle for me.’ When she observed two persons strolling on the surface, she claimed to be working for NASA, managing downlink telemetry from the lander — the first vehicle to transmit back photographs of Mars’s surface. ‘That old Viking rover was going about,’ she recalled, adding that she and six coworkers were watching on various monitors.

‘Then I noticed two men dressed in space suits – not the heavy ones we usually wear, but they appeared to be protective.’ They walked over the horizon to the Viking Explorer.’

Jackie’ remarked, ‘There were probably around a half-dozen of us downstairs.’ ‘All we were doing was keeping the equipment in good working order.’ Then our video feed was taken off.’

We raced upstairs, but they had closed the door and put paper over it, making it impossible for us to see.’ ‘Did they happen to be our guys?’ Other conspiracy theorists allege that there were secret landings on Mars in the 1960s and that the Apollo landings were a cover-up for further solar system research. NASA arrived on Mars in 1966, according to former CIA pilot John Lear, and humanity was acclimated to breathe the low Martian atmosphere.

However, Lear thinks that when people die, their souls journey to the moon to be processed within a mile-high glass tower and that the poisonous, crushingly dense Venus is actually “green and lovely.” The author of the Haynes UFO Investigations Manual, Nigel Watson, says: ‘These reports of covert space missions appear to be multiplying, and they remind me of Project Serpo.’

‘In November 2005, a person known only as ‘anonymous,’ who claimed to work for the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), began sharing details concerning Project Serpo, an exceptional alien exchange program.’ He boldly stated that six aliens were retrieved from the Roswell accident, based on a 3,000-page dossier published in the late 1970s.’

‘Claims that aliens living and/or dead were recovered from the Roswell crash are nothing new, but in this case, it was stated that an alien survivor from the crash, called EBE 1, helped to organize twelve specially trained people to visit his home planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticuli solar system.

This mission took place in 1965, and they stayed until 1978. Two of them perished on Serpo, two remained on the planet, and the rest died after returning to Earth from the high quantities of radiation they were subjected to there.

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