On an English beach, a huge creature that resembled a space monster washed up.

A whale’s dead body measuring at least 9 metres long has washed up on a Devon beach.

The mammal’s body – said to be a fin or a baleen whale – was first spotted at 4pm yesterday after it was washed ashore near Hartland Quay.

Cheryl Fan Duerden wrote on Facebook: “Back from a BDMLR call out this evening to check on a whale that washed up on Hartland Quay.

“Exceptionally foggy drive and not the easiest access through slippery jagged rocks in the dark, but someone’s gotta do it!

Staff at the Hartland Quay Hotel and Pub, have reported the discovery to the Government on their specialist whale and dolphin hotline (


Liam Reynolds/Devon Live)

The mammal’s body, measuring at least 9 metres long, was first spotted at 4pm yesterday (


Liam Reynolds/Devon Live)

It was washed ashore near Hartland Quay (


Liam Reynolds/Devon Live)

“Unfortunately it was dead, possibly a while ago, 9-10 metres at least and suspected small fin whale or large minke whale.

“Very sad to see it flopped over and lodged amongst the rocks and blood in the rockpools, but to see a whale in its entirety is still pretty awesome.”

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Sarah Stafford, manager of the Hartland Quay Hotel and Pub, told Devon Live : “We have reported it to the Government on their specialist whale and dolphin hotline.

“It’s huge but it’s definitely dead. We think it’s a baleen whale.

“I can’t imagine anything will happen to it very soon because it is dead – but at the moment the tide is currently washing it further inshore.”



Paul Willby/SWNS.COM)



Paul Willby/SWNS.COM)

Stephen Marsh of the British Divers Marine Life Rescue said “We’d advise people not to get too close the animal and dogs especially can get very ill, very quickly if they manage to eat any of the carcass.”

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