Puppy weeps uncontrollably for his mother’s passing without ever leaving her casket.

Whoever says that a puppy has no feelings is lying. A puppy is also capable of crying, even in front of the coffin where the body of the person he loved the most lies. Definitely, we have to recognize that they also suffer and have their way of expressing their pain.

They are loving, attached and very sentimental beings . For this reason, many times, the things they do to face sadness and desolation break our souls. And it is that, when you are in the company of a faithful animal, life takes on a new meaning.

Something very sad was about to happen in Toy’s life.

What this creature went through perfectly portrays what canine fidelity means. It’s about Toy, a puppy whose heart was broken into a thousand pieces after the death of his human From him.

He came into his owner’s life when he was just a baby.

The woman who died is called  Luzinete Lopes Diniz . During the obsequies held in Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil, the puppy refused to separate for a single second from the coffin where she rested, and cried inconsolably to have her closer to her.

he loved her with all his heart

The scenes were, in truth, more than touching. In the midst of his despair over the loss, the anxious puappy could be seen scratching the wood of the coffin , as if he intended to bring Luzinete back to life.

She scratched and scratched as if trying to wake her up , and it was not for less. He was adopted as a puppy and always treated like a son. All his life he gave his best to be with his caretaker.

i was devastated

He did not stop hugging her and comforting her in difficult moments. He was also her most faithful friend and advocate for her when necessary . Toy more than demonstrated that this indivisible union would transcend beyond death.

The moving scene was captured by Jailson Almeida , owner of the funeral home where the body was held, who was truly touched and shocked.

Almeida did not hesitate to let the world know about the extraordinary friendship between Toy and Mrs. Luzinete, moving thousands of people with the images.

The deceased today was a woman of faith, a strong believer in God and well known and loved by all the residents of her Rio de Janeiro neighborhood. Unfortunately, she suffered a sudden heart attack that blinded her life .

Months ago, Luzinete suffered a stroke from which he recovered, and during this process, Toy always remained faithful to him.

The woman presented some heart problems and her heart stopped beating

But, among so many who loved her and attended to say goodbye to her, Toy was the one who expressed all her love until the end of the ceremony.

He will never forget her because he was her real son

Toy understood that it would be his last chance to be with his beloved mom and he wanted to make the most of it. He howled inconsolably, he seemed to be suffering a lot from the loss of his beloved Mrs. Luzinete.

Something really unusual for many of the attendees, but very beautiful to observe, without a doubt. Luzinete and Toy had a great bond , she always accompanied her mother to church or to the supermarket.

For his part, the owner of the funeral home also described how the people around him were surprised to see the puppy’s reaction . And it is that, in addition to not letting someone get close, he was really very sad.

He refused to let her go forever.

“It was a dignified exemplary display of gratitude and respect for your loved one. I didn’t want anyone to get close to the coffin,” added Almeida.

None of those attending the funeral will ever forget the pain that the little animal reflected next to Luzinete’s coffin when saying goodbye. In that mournful moment, the puppy showed how much he loved her and her deep sorrow for her departure.

Definitely, once again it has been shown that the close bond that is created between a dog and a human being can sometimes go beyond the borders of this world.

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