Refinery workers take action against the stray dog that frequently approached them.

Whether they are police officers, firefighters, rescuers, emotional therapists or even employees or workers, it is incredible the talent and skills that dogs can have to perform fundamental tasks within society.

Many go on to become true heroes. Without your help, many jobs would be virtually impossible to complete or would take much longer.

A stray dog dreams that one day someone will take him seriously

That is the case of an adorable little stray named Perrote. He is a canine widely known in his area for being a ‘working dog’.

His story began after he followed one of the workers at the “Francisco I. Madero” Refinery daily, from his home to his job.

Over time, this dog became the best friend of the entire oil company belonging to Pemex , Petróleos Mexicanos and its branch in Tamaulipas.

There, he dedicates himself exclusively to providing love and company to the busy employees, a fact that earned him a lifetime “contract” as one more member of the team.

Refinery employees were baffled to see the friendly little stray following them every day

Such is the life of this mixed-race puppy, who after a hard life on the streets works as a worker for this refinery , stealing the hearts of everyone in the company, but also through social networks, where he is a celebrity.

A few months ago, the little animal decided to accompany who would later become his best friend to work , and since then he has not stopped following him, in a clear demonstration of his desire to escape the solitude in which he finds himself. found.

Perrote follows all safety measures inside the refinery, such as the use of a protective helmet

The environmentalist and protector of animals, Rocío Patiño, who knows Perrote very well, says that he is calm, does not mess with anyone or seek trouble.

Of course, he never takes off his protective helmet or his identification that accredits him as one more employee . There are even days when he can be seen wearing his safety vest as well.

“He walks everywhere together with the worker who attends him, everyone already recognizes him by the cap. He even has a Pemex badge with his photo and his name, all the employees wear it there. Perrote is one more employee, ”said Rocío regarding his inclusion in the world of work.

Currently, this friendly furry is very clear that nothing in the world is more important than his best human friend . He never leaves him alone, goes into the offices with him, or waits for him outside while he’s in a meeting, in short, doing what dogs do best, which is nothing more than offering us his unconditional friendship against all odds.

“He goes to the offices and waits for him outside, he leaves work and the dog follows him , he walks all over the refinery, he lives there,” explained the protector.

But, in addition, Patiño said that, although at one point the employees criticized the presence of the dog at work, now that everyone is used to having it there they cannot leave it. He is a very loved and respected puppy by all his co-workers From him.

Perhaps that place where he is loved so much is not the most suitable place to house a pet, but Perrote is reluctant to live in a house .

He loves his space, lives it and enjoys it daily, as if it were the first day , starring in selfies with his humans and providing love and company.

“Perrote” arrived to give a good dose of love to these engineers who needed it so much and to show us the immense loyalty of the canines. Blessings to these great humans who made a difference by treating him with such respect and love!

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