Regaining composure after intense feelings: reasons kids require assistance

From about age 2, children begin to develop many new emotions. Includes strong emotions such as frustration, anger, shame, guilt, shame, and excitement.These strong emotions can sometimes overwhelm children.

Children often need help to calm down with these strong emotions because they:

still developing all of his skills, including strong emotional management skills
There aren’t always words for strong emotions, especially in toddlers and preschoolers.
may react more strongly to things because of their temperament
It can be difficult to calm down if you’re tired or hungry, in crowded places like shopping malls, or at exciting events like parties.

Learning to calm down is an important part of learning to understand and manage children’s emotions.

Help your child calm down: 5 steps

Here are 5 steps you can take to help your child calm down in the face of a strong emotion:

Notice and identify emotions.
Name and emotionally connect to the event.
Pause and say nothing.
Support your child while they calm down.
Problem solving.
1. Notice and identify emotions

It may take practice to learn to identify your child’s emotions.

2. Name and emotionally connect to the event

For example, if your child is rolling around on the floor and complaining loudly about turning off the TV, you can say, ‘I see you’re feeling angry because you turned the TV off.’

3. Pause and say nothing

If your child is very upset, it may take them longer to control their e

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