‘Squadron of UFOs’ Seen гасіпɡ Across the Sky in Unsettling Video Footage – Eyewitness Report (VIDEO)

UFO hunters believe they have spotted a “squadron” of alien spaceships, with the UFOs appearing in the skies over Pennsylvania, US.

The supposed UFOs or unidentified flying objects were filmed on July 24 over Laurel Run in Luzerne County, northeast Pennsylvania. The video, which was shared online by conspiracy theorist Scott Waring, appears to show five objects flying through the atmosphere. The UFOs are followed by white streaks, which Mr Waring said were an effect of objects entering the atmosphere.

The video was originally shared to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), an international group cataloguing and analysing UFO sightings.

Instead, the UFO hunter has bizarrely linked the five objects to extraterrestrial phenomena.

He said: “Now just look at this video, it will blow your mind.

“Not one, but five UFOs are seen shooting across the sky during sunset over Laural Run, PA.

“The eyewitness was driving and pulled over to record the UFOs.

“The objects are entering the Earth’s atmosphere and shooting across the sky.

“One might be dismissed as a meteor, but five… that’s called a squadron of UFOs.”

The UFO hunter then suggested the UFOs are in league with the US military, claiming alien forces are pulling the strings behind the scenes.

He said: “I’m sure they showed up on military radar, but the US military dismisses them… knowing what they are already.

“Alien species do not follow our rules… we follow theirs.”

UFO sighting: There is no proof aliens have ever visited our planet (Image: GETTY)

Mr Waring also shared the discovery on YouTube, where some of his 40,000 followers discussed the UFOs.

One person said: “Looks like Space Debris, Falling to the Earth….”

Another person said: “Wow that’s really cool, they must have been observing something to them.”

It is, however, more likely there is a perfectly natural explanation behind the sighting.

So why are so many people convinced these UFOs could be the real deal?

A bizarre trick of the mind known as pareidolia is likely to blame.

Pareidolia, which is a form of apophenia, causes people to see shapes and patterns where they do not exist.

NASA said: “Pareidolia is the psychological phenomenon where people see recognizable shapes in clouds, rock formations, or otherwise unrelated objects or data.

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