“Sweet baby monkey loves taking care of his little duckling family”

We are yet to come across someone who doesn’t love cute animal videos. Here’s one you wouldn’t want to miss.
The video features a baby monkey looking after a brood of ducks. It’s beautiful how this infant takes care of ducklings and plays with them in the dirt.

These little fellows seem to be having the time of their lives.

The cute baby monkey was cuddling and kissing the ducklings, living in the moment. The two different species seemed to have bonded well.

They spent a lot of time together, as they ate together, played together, and even took naps in each other’s company.

There was this moment in the video where a duckling tries to groom the baby monkey and gets a cute pat on the back accompanied by a small kiss. Wherever the fuzzy baby monkey goes, the yellow ducklings follow and surround him.

The infant monkey, however, doesn’t appear upset by this interference of being followed.

Instead, he joyfully enjoys their company while they explore the nearby surroundings. The whole thing probably made their day.

These adorable young creatures were cuddling up to one another and embracing their friendship.

The two species made their way into people’s hearts, making it look so simple. It’d probably be a lie if you said that it didn’t melt your heart after seeing the cute video.

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