Unusual ‘Mushroom rock’ (also called Pedestal rock)

Unusual ‘Mushroom rock’ (also called Pedestal rock) in Tamanrasset, Saharian desert, Algeria. This naturally occurring rock is formed as a result of wind erosion and weathering and…

Stunning New Footage Shows Mysterious Giant Deep-Sea ‘Phantom’ Jelly As Never Seen Before

Stunning New Footage Shows Mysterious Giant Deep-Sea ‘Phantom’ Jelly As Never Seen Before The ghostly giant is an extremely rare sight and now we have excellent footage…

‘Tunnel Tree’ in Calaveras Big Trees State Park

Marking one year since the famous Pioneer Cabin Tunnel Tree toppled, California State Parks, Save the Redwoods League and Humboldt State University today announced plans to use…

An ancient olive tree in Puglia, Italy over 1500 years old!

The ancient olive tree has been nicknamed ‘The thinking tree‘ and is located in Ginosa, Puglia, Italy and it is evident how nature is giving us a…

People Share ‘Death Stairs’ That Are Completely Dangerous

People Share ‘Death Stairs’ That Are Completely Dangerous Facebook group Death Stairs is dedicated to sharing dangerous and scary stairs and here are 30 of the most interesting ones….

Canada’s largest tree, the Cheewhat giant

Canada’s largest tree, the Cheewhat giant. Love visiting this old tree in Pacific Rim National Park. Not the easiest specimen to photograph but just fascinating to go…

Heartbreaking Footage Of Orangutan Fighting Back Against Excavator Destroying His Home

A brave Bornean orangutan was captured on video fighting off a machine digger in an attempt to save his home from Indonesion loggers. The desperate animal can…

Meet The Stunning Kea, The Only Alpine Parrot In The World

The world is a fascinating place and the natural habitat of countless different animals. Birds bring a variety to the animal world. With their splendid, colorful plumages,…

Meet the Malabar giant squirrel, the squirrel so colorful people can’t believe it’s real

No one thinks of the squirrel as a particularly exotic or interesting animal. Chances are if you look in your backyard right now, you’ll probably find one—they’re very common animals. But…

This Island off the Amalfi Coast in Italy Is Shaped Like a Dolphin

No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you and this isn’t the work of Photoshop—this island has the distinct shape of a dolphin. In yet another example of nature…