Lion Husband Stays By His Sick Wife’s Side Until The Very End

Leo and Muñeca have known each other for nearly their entire lives. The pair of lions and their children were rescued from a circus in Peru in…

Orphaned Elephant Stands Alone – 5 Million Have Watched The Moment An Entire Herd Adopts Him

Babies need care and compassion if they want to thrive. This is true of both humans and animals; we all need our families to comfort us and…

This 512-Year-Old GreenLand Shark Is The Oldest Living Vertebrate On The Planet

aIt’s hard to imagine anything still alive that was born in 1505. That was the year that Martin Luther became a monk and King Henry VIII called…

A 10-Ton Whale Was Found in the Amazon Rainforest and Scientists Are Baffled

A 36-foot-long whale (yes, a whale) was recently discovered in Brazil’s remote jungle, miles from its natural habitat, when scavenging vultures alerted local officials with their screeching….

Scientists Discover Giant Sinkhole in China With Primeval ‘Lost World’ Inside

Chinese scientists have discovered an ancient lost world in an extraordinarily deep and large sinkhole in south China, where they expect to find flora and fauna still…

90-Year-Old Czech Grandma Turns Small Village Into Her Art Gallery By Hand-Painting Flowers On Its Houses

Remember the little Polish village where every house is covered with painted flowers? Well, one 90-year-old resident of Louka, Czech Republic, is aiming to make her hometown just…

These “Galaxy” Flowers Hold Entire Universes On Their Petals

Want to gaze at distant galaxies but don’t have a strong enough telescope? Then don’t worry, because we’ve got the perfect solution. All you need to do…

9,500-Year-Old Tree Found in Sweden Is The World’s Oldest Tree

The world’s oldest tree, a 9,500-year-old Norwegian Spruce named “Old Tjikko,” after Professor Leif Kullman’s Siberian husky, continues to grow in Sweden. Discovered in 2004 by Kullman, professor…

We Traveled 3500km To Sleep In A 5-Billion-Star ‘Hotel’ In Norway And It Made Our Jaws Drop

We drove my old rickety Ford Escort from Helsinki to Troms with my adventure buddy Mika-Pekka Markkanen. Then visited Senja and Lofoten islands and drove back. The…

16+ Pics Of Fairy Tale Architecture From Norway

Think Norway, and the first thing that comes to mind are fjords, blonde people and Vikings – not fairy tale architecture. Below, you’ll find photographs of architecture…