The amazing recovery of a timid, skeletal dog that was left behind when it was no longer useful.

There are many puppies that daily have to endure the worst treatment in the hands of unscrupulous beings who do not feel the slightest love or respect for the furry ones .

It is not enough to offer them a roof or say at the top of one lung “I have a dog at home”. These are beings who feel, suffer and suffer the consequences of not being treated as they deserve .

When she was rescued they had a small plate of food, she doesn’t know if it was left by her owners or given by a passerby.

Olivia is a brave survivor who, after suffering years of pain and famine, achieved an incredible transformation thanks to beings who saw in her a dog who, despite her critical state of health, deserved to fight and enjoy a dignified life .

The dog was cruelly abandoned by her owners when they saw that she was on the verge of death , they had never shown her a gesture of love before and they would not do it when her light was about to go out.

Olivia was a very shy little dog who wanted to be rescued.

Malnourished and completely weak to defend herself, she seemed like skin and bone on the side of a road .

Standing up on her own was quite a challenge for this helpless dog who just wanted to be helped.

She had a severe infection in her eyes, if she had not been rescued she would have been partially blind.

Luckily, his case came to the attention of Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers, who did not hesitate to give him all the attention he needed.

Olivia was not only emaciated, her skin was covered with sores that made any contact painful.

He had a long way to go but was willing to let himself be helped.

She also had hundreds of ticks which increased her malnutrition, these parasites consumed what little was left of her.

At the end of her treatment Olivia was adopted.

It took a long treatment to improve his health , fortunately he always had a wonderful team of veterinarians and rescuers by his side, who did everything possible to make his transformation as painless as possible .

Not only did he need multiple antibiotics, but also constant medicinal baths to combat ticks and improve his fur.

Enjoy her emotional transformation in the following video.

It was also necessary for him to gradually gain weight , due to his condition he could not eat large amounts a day, but rather small and constant portions that helped him gain weight.

After a lot of effort, Olivia managed to get out of the critical state she was in, now she has a beautiful and shiny coat , she is also a happy and grateful dog for this new opportunity that she has been given.

Now she is the darling of the house.

Three months after being rescued, Olivia is a completely new dog . Her life of pain and misery is a thing of the past. She now has a present full of joy and love next to a new family.

All puppies deserve to enjoy a healthy and happy life. If you are not in a position to have a puppy, give it to a rescue center, but never abandon it at its mercy. Love and respect is the least they deserve. Share the note and let’s fight for more just causes.

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