The Most Priceless Moment: Greeting the Newborn’s Arrival

Photographer Paula Galvão, from Natal, Brazil, captures the special first moments in a baby’s life. Meanwhile, one moving picture shows a woman in the hours before giving birth, kneeling on the floor and holding onto her partner for support while having contractions. Paula, 39, started taking pictures like this after giving birth to her own daughter, Ingrid, now 17. She said she works all hours of the day because the baby can come anywhere, anytime, but feels ‘very happy and fulfilled by her job,’ explaining how ‘every birth brings a different emotion’.

Photographer Paula Galvão, from Natal, Brazil, shared these incredible images taken in the delivery room, including the doctors delivering this baby via C-SECTION.

Another touching photograph shows a newborn touching her mother’s head as they meet for the first


The photographs also show the stages leading up to birth, including this photo of a woman on the floor while having contractions, holding on to her partner for support

This incredible shot shows a baby emerging while still in the amniotic sac, while being delivered by C- section

One intimate image shows a mother meeting her newborn for the first time, moments after giving birth

This powerful shot shows a crying baby shortly after being born, with the UMBILICAL Cord still alive.

A photo showing a newborn being held for the first time wearing a small hat.

Another sweet image shows a nurse combing a newborn with thick curls.

A cute image showing a newborn baby with a full head of hair enjoying a nap.

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