The “oarfish” is the longest bony fish in the world.

The Giant Oarfish is a species of enormous oarfish living in the depths of the ocean around the world and is seldom seen.

Because of this shy nature, it was once thought to be a rare species.

As and when they have been found, they were either injured or dead.

Since their usual habitat is considerably deep, they have not been observed interacting with humans often, nor have many specimens been seen alive.

Thus, scientists have little way of knowing about the species, or how threatened they really are.

Also known as the ribbon fish, streamer fish, king of herrings, and Pacific oarfish, it is the largest living bony fish on the planet.

An oarfish is a long and elongated bony fish that is found in deep waters. They are silvery in color and have smooth and rubbery skin with no scales.

Oarfish have wavy markings on their body and the body is coated with a material called guanine.

These fish do not have an anal fin and have a long dorsal fin which is present throughout the entire length of the body.

The mouth of the oarfish is evidently protrusible. Due to their long elongated body, it is called ribbon fish and also sometimes called a sea serpent in some places.

Pectoral fins are situated in the low part of the body. Specimens of horned oarfish skeleton can be observed at Florida Museum of Natural History.

An oarfish is a large sized fish and has a body length of 26-36 ft (7.92-10.97 m). An oarfish is the longest bony fish alive in the world.

The longest body length ever recorded in an oarfish is 50 ft (15.2 m).

An oarfish swims in a vertical position with dorsal fins in order to catch its prey.

It is an amiiform mode of swimming. No exact information is available regarding oarfish swimming speed.

An oarfish is a carnivore. They primarily feed on zooplanktons, shrimps and small fishes. Predators of oarfishes are sharks. They usually do not have any other predators.

Oarfish habitat can be found in the epipelagic and mesopelagic zones. They prefer to live in deep waters and rarely come to the surface.

They are seen in the tropical and temperate oceans around the world.

Oarfishes, regalecus glesne, usually follow the process of broadcast spawning and are oviparous.

The spawning occurs during the months between July and December in warm waters. These fishes are oviparous.

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