The “ostrich people” tribe possesses monstrous feet, experts later unraveled the mystery.

The VaDoma tribe in the African country of Zimbabwe is one of the most curious tribes in the world. Most VaDoma people live isolated from the outside world, even though their living area is not too far from urban areas.

Ostrich’s feet

The most special point when talking about VaDoma people is their unusual feet compared to normal people. Instead of the normal 5 toes, the VaDoma’s feet only have 2 toes, swollen and turned inward like a claw. That’s why they are also called the Ostrich Chan tribe. This feature does not greatly affect people’s daily activities.

The "ostrich tribe" possesses monstrous feet, experts later unraveled the mystery - Photo 1.

The feet resemble the ostrich feet of the VaDoma people.

In the VaDoma community, 1 in 3 people have this strange foot. Scientists explain this is a form of Ectrodactyly syndrome (Shrimp Claw syndrome), a consequence of genetic mutations.

The popularity of Ostrich feet in the VaDoma community actually comes from an unusual behavior of this tribe.

For decades, the VaDoma people have been offered many opportunities by the government to integrate with other ethnic communities in Zimbabwe, but they have refused them all.

Due to living in isolation from society, many VaDoma families have engaged in inbreeding to maintain the race. There are almost rules that prohibit VaDoma people from marrying outsiders.

People initially have a genetic mutation with Ectrodactyly syndrome. They continued to inbreed and pass on this powerful gene for many generations to come. People with claw syndrome will live with the condition for life.

The "ostrich tribe" possesses monstrous feet, experts later unraveled the mystery - Photo 3.

VaDoma children carry the genetics of Ectrodactyly syndrome from previous generations.

People with Ostrich feet are not discriminated against at VaDoma. Most see it as normal. Many old people even believe that this strange foot is the identifying feature of the descendants of the Baobab Tree – the legendary ancestor of the tribe.

These different people often have an advantage in climbing ability. The VaDoma tribe also does not practice any form of agriculture. Their livelihood is entirely based on hunting and gathering activities.

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