The US F-35B changes to helicopter mode as aircraft takes off at full power.

I build F-35s as a career. The B model does not normally do vertical takeoffs since this compromises the surface underneath, risking damage and blowing FOD into the plane & engine inlets. As can be seen in the video, a short takeoff run is nearly always performed for the F-35B. It can land vertically, however, which requires less thrust. This is an edit of an earlier comment where I said the B model cannot takeoff vertically. After seeing comments here, watching VTOL video, and speaking with the engineer who told me this long ago, I have modified this comment. I also was told the current operational procedures do not allow for vertical takeoffs unless a specified surface exists underneath the jet. So, I was wrong.

I can’t believe I’m actually a 1/300,000,000th part owner of this amazing airplane! I just wish I could use it more often. And honestly, these are so expensive and complex, what are the odds this thing will EVER actually use those guns against another plane in flight? These are so expensive, I imagine the Navy just gets the hell out of any real trouble and sends in the good old F-16’s to do the actual fighting. Imagine how much tax money has gone into this experiment.

State of the art , ground support aircraft ! With a MARINE flying that ground support !! That would make me feel better in a hot combat zone and a couple of marines overhead!! GOD BLESS AMERICA


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