They catch a young man arguing with his golden retriever and refusing to use the escalator.

A golden retriever dog became the center of attention in a shopping center, when the difficult moment came for him to have to get on the “dreaded” escalators. Panic seized the poor creature, and no one imagined what his owner would do next…

Many pet videos go viral online due to the hilarious antics that some animals perform.

But many others win the sympathy of people due to the tenderness they inspire , especially if it is the human who shows affection, solidarity or compassion for the animal.

Such was the case of the video of a young man in the United States who was walking in a shopping center.

The boy and his golden retriever, hitherto unknown, were walking through a shopping center when it was time to go up to the upper level and to do so they had to use the escalator.

The boy walks as if he was swimming towards the stairs, but his dog stops, giving him clear signs that he was not willing to get on that device.

But the dog’s fear of the stairs was not unfounded, according to experts, it is something instinctive in dogs due to incidents that have suffered when using them. In some cases, unfortunately, it is risky for them if their leash, one of their legs or their tail gets stuck.

With great patience, the young man bows down to his pet, takes it in his arms and carries it like a baby , taking it with him. From love and empathy he understood the fear of him making him feel protected.

The fearful golden retriever fully trusted him and clung to his owner knowing that in his arms he would be safe.

The person who witnessed the scene recorded the video up to the moment in which we can see the young man and his dog walking away on the escalator.

The golden looks back with the confidence that comes from knowing that he is safe in the arms of his favorite human .

The video went viral on social media, where it already has millions of views. Many people have been moved by the gesture of the young man, his tolerance and understanding.

This boy is an example to many other pet owners!

The dog is quite a celebrity, since on his Instagram he has more than 130 thousand followers, with whom he shares all his adventures through adorable images and videos that captivate everyone.

He is very lucky to have a family that is so loving and committed to his well-being, that is what we wish for all the pets in the world.

He is not the first dog to turn to his human partner to overcome his fear of escalators.

In fact, we can see numerous similar cases reported on the Internet, in which golden retrievers and other large breeds behave like fearful big guys when it comes to this curious mechanism.

Jasper’s case became very famous on the Internet . This golden retriever, who has his own Instagram account, had a similar episode at the Brookfield Place shopping center located in the city of Toronto, Canada.

Likewise, the puppy was taken in his arms by his owner to be able to go up the escalator. The video got thousands of views, as well as comments from many dog owners who are experiencing the same situation with their pets.

Fortunately for all these puppies, they have the affection and understanding of their owners , who, through a sweet gesture, record the beautiful relationship they have with their darlings.

And you? Would you do this same gesture with your pet? It is better to climb with them in your arms when using these stairs in public places to offer them calm and to prevent any incident.

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