Video: An intimate encounter with Migaloo – the only white humpback whale in the world

Mother Nature is perfect is so many ways, and the rarest its beautiful creation are, the more fascinating it becomes. It’s also the case of this extremely rare white humpback whale. Many of us doesn’t know those animals even exist. So imagine how lucky you must feel to see it with your eyes. That’s definitely once in a lifetime experience.

The huge mammalian also know as Migaloo might be the world’s best known animals. Since his first spot in 1991 by the Pacific Whale Foundation, he earned a legendary reputation. Recently the rare animal was spotted again off Australian coast, near Sydney. “We got extremely lucky and Migaloo come up just a few feet next to our boat,” Jonas Liebschner of Whale Watching Sydney said. “What a sight that was!”

Migaloo got its name after the Aboriginal word for ‘white man’ and he gained notoriety as one of only a very few snowy whales known to humankind. Yet, so far it isn’t know exactly the reason of his unique color for a humpback whale. The experts think it might be either leucism or his true albino. That means he is unable to produce pigmentation at all. The animal is estimated to be 31-year-old. He can live up to 80 year-old according to Oskar Peterson, who runs the Australian-based White Whale Research Centre.

Watch this magnificent creature, here:

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