You will be astonished to watch a venomous snake release a blue gem while shedding its skin in this incident, which occurred for the first ᴛι̇ɱe in 175 years (video)

This incident happened for the first ᴛι̇ɱe in 175 years, and you will also be shocked to see a venomous snake while shedding its skin has released a blue gem. This news has taken the world by storm, and people all around the globe are searching for more information on this topic. In this article, we will delve into the details of this incident and provide you with comprehensive insights.

The incident took place in Australia when a venomous snake, the eastern brown snake, was shedding its skin. While shedding its skin, it released a blue gem-like object that stunned onlookers. This event is remarkable because, in the past 175 years, there has been no such instance where a venomous snake has shed its skin and released a blue gem. This incident has caught the attention of researchers, herpetologists, and the general public alike.

What is the blue gem?

The blue gem that the snake released while shedding its skin is a unique and rare occurrence. This gem is known as “lizardite,” which is a member of the serpentine mineral group. Lizardite is generally green in color, but in rare cases, it can turn blue due to the presence of cobalt. This gem is primarily found in Western Australia and is a popular gemstone amongst jewelry makers and collectors.

The eastern brown snake is known to inhabit the eastern and northern parts of Australia. This snake is highly venomous and is responsible for the most snakebite fatalities in Australia. The venom of the eastern brown snake contains neurotoxins and coagulants, which can cause paralysis and internal bleeding in its prey.

The shedding process of snakes is known as ecdysis. During this process, the snake sheds its old skin to make way for new growth. Snakes shed their skin multiple ᴛι̇ɱes a year, and the process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the species of snake.

How did the snake release the blue gem?

The process of how the snake released the blue gem while shedding its skin is still a mystery. Some theories suggest that the blue gem was already present inside the snake’s body and was released during the shedding process. Another theory suggests that the blue gem was attached to the snake’s skin, and when the snake shed its skin, the gem fell off.

Regardless of how the blue gem was released, this incident is a rare occurrence and has captured the imagination of people all around the world.


The incident of the eastern brown snake releasing a blue gem while shedding its skin is a unique and rare occurrence that has captured the world’s attention. While the process of how the blue gem was released is still a mystery, this incident has opened up new avenues for research and study. The eastern brown snake is a highly venomous snake that is responsible for the most snakebite fatalities in Australia, and this incident showcases the diverse and mysterious world of snakes.

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