5,000 Kilowatts Story: Missing Dog Sets Out on an Epic Journey to a Military Base, Finally Getting Reunited with the Hero He’s Been Seeking.

After 10 years of fighting in Afghanistan, Sean Laidlaw was sent to Syria and became a bomb disposal expert there.

In February 2018, while on duty to dispose of homemade bombs in Syria, Sean suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the ruins of a bombed school. When he looked under the concrete slabs, he discovered a scared puppy next to four other dead dogs.

Barrie the dog was found by veteran Sean Laidlaw in the rubble of the Syrian battlefield.

Without thinking, Mr. Sean immediately took the puppy to his barracks and named the dog Barrie. From now on, a special bond gradually formed between the brave soldier and the little dog. Barrie is by Sean’s side wherever he is, from when he wakes up, when he goes out to eat, even when he works or drives. Sean made Barrie a necklace from a bulletproof vest and a teddy bear.

Barrie follows Sean wherever he goes.

Sean also made Barrie a necklace from his bulletproof vest.

Maybe for everyone, Sean is the one who saved Barrie, but on the contrary, Sean is very grateful for this 4-legged friend because Barrie is not only a companion, but it also helps Sean temporarily forget the fierceness of life. war. Keeping his dog by his side makes him happier and helps him overcome Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 3.

This is one of the serious emotional effects that war has on soldiers.

“The boys in Syria loved playing and coaching Barrie. If anyone is unhappy or having a bad day, it will come and sit on their lap,” Sean shared with This Morning.

It was Barrie who helped Sean overcome stress disorder caused by the war.

However, Sean had to break up with Barrie when he returned to the UK for leave in April 2018 and could not return to Syria because his work in Syria was cancelled.

To bring Barrie to the UK, Sean sought the help of the War Paws organization (based in Iraq) – which helps soldiers serving abroad find their lost pets. He even set up a GoFundMe page to raise money to bring his adorable puppy to England.

War Paws then arranged to bring Barrie to Iraq in April 2018. After vaccinating and examining Barrie, they took the dog to Jordan. Here, Barrie was quarantined for 2 months before being re-examined.

In October 2018, it was thought that Barrie would be transferred to England, however, the plan failed due to lost documents so it was taken to Paris.

Finally, on November 3, 2018, Sean’s wish was granted after he sat on a 12-hour flight from Essex to Paris to reunite with Barrie at Charles de Gaulle airport after 7 months of not seeing each other.

After 7 months of not seeing each other, Barrie has turned from a puppy into a large adult dog.

Sean was so excited to see his four-legged friend Barrie again in Paris. “The moment I met Barrie again at the airport was probably the most wonderful moment of my life,” Sean said.

Barrie is no longer a cute little puppy, but he has grown much bigger. Even after not seeing him for a long time, Barrie still recognized his owner.

Finally, Sean and Barrie were reunited after a journey of nearly 5,000km and 12 hours of flight, passing through 5 countries and 2 war zones.

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