He sees a severely sick puppy lying on some trash, and he vows to save him.

When she saw that vulnerable little creature dumped in the garbage, her heart broke in two. Picking him up in her arms, she knew she was facing the most…

Explore a Different Universe in the Biggest Cave on Earth.

Welcome! You’ve just happened into the world’s largest cave, a world in itself. At more than 200m high, 150m wide and 5km long, the Hang Son Doong…

A strange spider that can consume human flesh has been discovered by researchers in Argentina.

Planet Earth is vast and full of incredible animals. Whether for their beauty or their peculiar behaviors, we have been able to meet some species that have…

Australia’s population was confused when a weird brown monster showed up on a beach.

The browп jelly-like blob was spotted at Kemp Beach iп Yeppooпoп the soυtherп sectioп of the Great Barrier Reef iп Qυeeпslaпd. The oceaп is a mysterioυs aпd…

Unsettling fish wash up on the beach close to San Diego.

A gruesome-looking sea creature gave beachcombers the fright of their lives after it was spotted washed ashore on a San Diego beach Tuesday. Footage of the freaky…

New Species Of Dinosaurs Discovered On Isle Of Wight

A new study by Palaeontologists at the University of Southampton suggests four bones recently found on the Isle of Wight belong to new species of theropod dinosaur,…

Archaeologists have discovered a huge skeleto in the Sahara Desert!

It’s no tall tale—the first complete ancient ѕkeɩetoп of a person with gigantism has been discovered near Rome, a new study says. At 6 feet, 8 inches (202 centimeters) tall,…

Two new canine staffers are moving customers at a petrol station.

Summer has arrived and along with it, the high temperatures begin to wreak havoc. The number of dogs left to fend for themselves by humans who don’t know…

He asks a man who is on a property to take his dying, hairless dog.

The animal rescue cases that mark us the most are those that have been abandoned. When it comes to dogs, they are generally in severe states of malnutrition,…

Thousands of camels and the few remaining crocodiles from the Sahara coexist in this stunning oasis’s dark waters.

Looking at these pictures you wonder why you’ve never seen this stunning place before. Well, it is is a barren place, away from beaten paths; reaching it…